Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD) 376, 378,381, 386
obstructive sleep apnea 187, 384
OCD. Seeobsessive-compulsive
olanzapine 367, 377
oliguria 213
OLT (orthotopic liver
transplantation) 75
oophorectomy 292, 307
open surgery 48, 291, 307
oppositional defiant disorder 378
optic nerve 151, 155
orchiectomy 307–308
orchiopexy 267, 308
orchitis 277, 308
organ transplantation. See specific
transplantation operations, e.g.:liver
orgasm 272, 300, 306, 308–309,
338, 354
orthotopic liver transplantation
(OLT) 75
osteoporosis 115, 139, 143, 153,
219, 243
ova (eggs) 233, 246, 281, 309,313,
337, 356
ovarian cancer 309–312, 311 t,
312 t, 313
ovarian cyst 312–313
ovaries 313–314, 314 t
aging, endocrine changes that
occur with 111
amenorrhea 243
androgens 113
endocrine system 100
endometriosis 276
estrogens 126
FSH 127
menstrual cycle 304
oophorectomy 307
ovarian cancer 309
ovarian cyst 312
PCOS 320
POF 323
progesterone 156
relaxin 158
reproductive system 233
testosterone 160
tubal ligation 347
overactive bladder 212, 225
over-the-counter (OTC) drug 362,
ovulation 314
aging, reproductive and sexual
changes that occur with 243

amenorrhea 243
chorionic gonadotropin 115
conception 264
fertility 282
infertility 293
inhibin 148
mittelschmerz 305
ova 309
ovaries 313
sexual intercourse 339
oxybutynin (Ditropan) 188, 224,
oxytocin 99, 145, 152, 250

Paget’s disease of the bone 139,
Paget’s disease of the breast 315
pancreas 79–80, 80 t
gastrointestinal system 1
hemochromatosis 133
insulin 148
islet cell transplantation 149
islets of Langerhans 149
pancreatic cancer 80
pancreatitis 80
pancreatic cancer 80, 81
pancreatic duct 38, 79
pancreatitis 80–81
panic disorder 376, 378, 379
Pap test 256, 258, 259, 264, 315,
316 t
paracentesis 16, 322
paralysis 182, 369
paranoia 379, 383
paraphimosis 315–316
parathormone. Seeparathyroid
parathyroid glands 100, 138, 143,
151, 153, 153
parathyroid hormone 153–154
calcitonin 115
endocrine system 100
hyperparathyroidism 138
hypoparathyroidism 143
parathyroid glands 153
urinary system 172
parenteral nutrition 77, 88
Parkinson’s disease 99, 124, 376
PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
PDDs (pervasive developmental
disorders) 364
PDE inhibitors. See
phosphodiesterase inhibitors
pelvic examination 316–317

CIN 259
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
222, 317, 317 t, 347
penis 317–318, 318 t
balanitis 248
chordee 262
circumcision 263
ejaculation 272
erectile dysfunction 278
erection 278
paraphimosis 315
Peyronie’s disease 318
phimosis 319
priapism 327
urinary system 173
pentosan (Elmiron) 184
peptic ulcer disease 53, 81–82, 94
ACTH 110
ADH 113
calcitonin 115
chorionic gonadotropin 115
CRH 115
dopamine 124
epinephrine 125
FSH 127
GH 131
GHRH 131
glucagon 128
GnRH 129
hormone 134, 135
hypothalamus 144
inhibin 148
insulin 148
LH 151
melatonin 151
norepinephrine 152
oxytocin 152
pineal gland 154
prolactin 157
relaxin 158
renin 158
somatostatin 158
T 4 166
thymosin 160
TRH 166
TSH 164
T 3 166
percutaneous liver biopsy 25, 82
perimenopause 301, 318
peristalsis 82
achalasia 9
fiber and gastrointestinal health
gastrointestinal system 3, 4
gastroparesis 52

404 Index

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