testicles 343
testosterone 160
sperm donation 342
spinal cord injury 223, 360
spleen 18, 19, 67
spontaneous abortion 240, 263,
282, 350
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 40
SSRIs. Seeselective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors
staging and grading of cancer
breast cancer 253
cervical cancer 257–258, 257t
CIN 258
colorectal cancer 29
endometrial cancer 273–274
ovarian cancer 310–311
prostate cancer 328
stomach cancer 91
STDs. Seesexually transmitted
steatohepatitis 89–90
steatorrhea 90
Stein-Leventhal syndrome. See
polycystic ovary syndrome
sterility 222, 348
steroid hormone 113, 126, 134,
135, 156, 160
stillbirth 283, 342
stoma 31, 60, 223
stomach 90, 90 t
bezoar 18
borborygmus 20
digestive enzymes 35
duodenum 36
esophageal atresia 40
esophagitis 42
esophagus 42
fiber and gastrointestinal health
gallbladder 46
gastrectomy 48
gastritis 48
gastrointestinal bleeding 51
gastrointestinal system 3
gastroparesis 52
Helicobacter pylori 53
hiatal hernia 58
H2 antagonist medications 59
peptic ulcer disease 81
PPI medications 85
rapid gastric emptying 86
vomiting 93
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 94
stomach cancer 48, 53, 90–92, 91 t,
stomach pumping. Seenasogastric
aspiration and lavage
stress and stress management
Addison’s disease 107
adrenal glands 107
adrenal insufficiency 110
cortisol 116
endocrine system 99
euthyroid sick syndrome 127
nervous breakdown 377
somatization disorder 384
stress response hormonal
cascade 159
stress incontinence 175, 224
stress response hormonal cascade
ACTH 110
Addison’s disease 107
cortisol 116
CRH 116
epinephrine 125
hypothalamus 145
melatonin 151
norepinephrine 152
pituitary gland 155
progesterone 156
stroke 182, 358, 361, 379
substance abuse 367, 369, 378,
381, 385
suicidal ideation and suicide 371,
383, 385–386
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
145, 151, 155
surgery. See specific surgical
swallowing disorders 9, 42
synaptic vesicles 125, 152
syndrome X. Seeinsulin resistance
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
tamoxifen 252, 276
TBG (thyroxine-binding globulin)
TBI (traumatic brain injury) 379
TCAs. Seetricyclics
TCC (transitional-cell carcinoma)
T-cell lymphocyte 100, 160, 205
TCM (traditional Chinese medicine)
tegaserod (Zelnorm) 65–66
aging, endocrine changes that
occur with 111
androgens 113
cryptorchidism 267
endocrine system 100
estrogens 126
FSH 127
inhibin 148
LH 151
progesterone 156
reproductive system 233
testosterone 160
testicles 343, 343 t
cryptorchidism 267
epididymitis 277
hydrocele 291
orchiectomy 307
orchiopexy 308
orchitis 308
scrotum 337
sperm 340
testicular self-examination 346
varicocele 353
testicular cancer 103, 267,
343–346, 344 t, 345 t, 346
testicular self-examination (TSE)
255, 342, 344, 346
testicular torsion 346–347
testosterone 160
adrenal glands 107, 108
aging, endocrine changes that
occur with 111
aging, reproductive and sexual
changes that occur with 243
androgens 113
andropause 244
breast 249
DHEA 119
endocrine system 100, 103
hirsutism 134
inhibin 148
LH 151
libido 296
puberty 335
reproductive system 236
sperm 342
testicles 343
therapy (counseling) 339
Thorazine (chlorpromazine) 362
throat 3, 42
thymosin 100, 160
thymus 100, 145, 160
thyroid cancer 115, 151, 152,
160–162, 164
thyroidectomy 141, 143, 146
thyroid gland 162–163, 163 t
408 Index