Human Relations
Humans are social beings. Yet many social interac-
tions are ones not necessarily chosen, such those
within school and work environments. The entries
here present discussions of behavior issues, with
an emphasis on understanding the influence of
diverse backgrounds and personal experiences.
Surgery is the treatment of choice for hundreds of
health conditions. The section “Surgery” presents
entries about general topics such as anesthesia and
surgery benefits and risks. Entries about specific
operations appear in the relevant body system sec-
tion. For example, the entry for appendectomy
(surgery to remove the appendix) appears in the
section “The Gastrointestinal System.”
Lifestyle Variables: Smoking and Obesity
Cigarette smoking and obesity (extreme over-
weight) are the leading lifestyle factors that con-
tribute to serious health conditions such as
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. In
this section The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health
and Medicine presents entries about the health
effects of smoking and obesity within the context
of lifestyle choices that are within the reach of
every individual to control.
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse, including alcoholism, is a signifi-
cant health concern in the United States. The
entries in this section discuss commonly abused
substances, including their short-term and long-
term effects on health. There are also entries
about treatment approaches and programs.
Emergency and First Aid
The section “Emergency and First Aid” stands
apart from all other sections in the Facts On File
Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. Entries here
provide instructional content and are organized by
type of emergency, presenting the most basic
information for the person who has no medical
knowledge or training and who happens to be first
on the scene of a medical emergency (first respon-
der). Entries are concise and directive, with cross
references to information-based entries through-
out the four volumes of the encyclopedia.
Appendixes and Cumulative Index
to Volumes 1-4
A dozen appendixes that provide supplemental
information bring Volume 4 to a close. Volume 4
also contains a comprehensive “Cumulative
Index” for the entire four-volume Facts On File
Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine.
xiv Preface