has the ability to kill certain BACTERIAincluding
Helicobacter pylori, the bacteria responsible for
much PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE, and Escherichia coli, the
bacteria that causes serious GASTROENTERITIS.
Researchers continue to study all of these actions
to further understand how they occur and what
they might bode for cancer prevention efforts.
The other catechins have ANTIOXIDANTactions
that appear to help the body resist changes in the
cells of the ARTERYwalls that allow ATHEROSCLEROSIS
to establish itself. Other ingredients in green tea
include tannins, which act to soothe mild to mod-
erate digestive upset, and fluoride, which
strengthens the TEETH. Green tea and green tea
extract products naturally contain CAFFEINE. Green
tea also contains theanine, a substance with anti-
anxiety effects that somewhat counter the effect
of the caffeine. Though there are no known
health risks or interactions with green tea, people
who ingest high quantities may experience sleep
disturbances and irritability as a consequence of
too much caffeine. Because of green tea’s caffeine
content, health experts recommend pregnant and
nursing mothers limit consumption.
GREEN TEA (Camellia sinensis)
Uses Risks/Side Effects Interactions
prevent development excessive CAFFEINE none known
of cancer consumption
prevent spread of cancer
eliminate existing
cancer cells
soothe digestive upset
decrease low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol
improve circulation
strengthen the TEETH
fight bacterial MOUTH
See also COENZYME Q 10.
74 Alternative and Complementary Approaches