allele Any of the variations of a GENEthat may
occupy the same position (locus) on a CHROMO-
SOME. The gene controlling a particular trait or
function always occupies the same locus on the
same chromosome. Genes occur as pairs, with one
gene coming from each parent. The pairing deter-
mines how the gene’s traits are expressed in the
individual. For example, the gene for BLOOD TYPE
occurs at region 34 on the long arm of chromo-
some 9, indicated as 9q34. This gene has three
alleles, identified as 9q34IA, 9q34IB, and 9q34i
(which geneticists sometimes abbreviate as IA, IB,
and i, respectively). These alleles can occur in one
of six pairings to produce the blood type A, B, O,
or AB.
When the two alleles at the same locus are the
same the individual is said to be homozygous for
that gene; when the alleles are different the indi-
vidual is heterozygous. In a heterozygous individ-
ual generally one allele is dominant and the other
recessive. Occasionally each allele in a pairing has
equal dominance, a circumstance called codomi-
nance. The 9q34i allele (type O) is recessive; the
9q34IAand 9q34IBalleles (type A and type B) are
dominant. When the 9q34IAand 9q34IBalleles
pair, their expression is codominant. The possible
allele pairings for blood type can produce any of
these expressions.
For further discussion of alleles within the con-
text of the structures and functions of genetics,
please see the overview section “Genetics and
Molecular Medicine.”
apoptosis The natural mechanism through
which a cell engages in actions that lead to its
death, often called programmed cell death or cell
suicide. Apoptosis appears linked to SENESCENCE, an
inherent limitation on the number of times a cell
can divide. Both apoptosis and senescence play
significant roles in the aging process. Once the cell
initiates apoptosis there is no reversal; the process
proceeds until the cell dies.
Apoptosis begins when the cell’s DNAfragments,
signaling or switching the rest of the process in
motion. Once activated apoptosis sets in motion
the subsequent events result in the cell’s disman-
Allele Pairing Expression Blood Type
IaIa (A+A) Homozygous dominant Type A
Iai (A+O) Heterozygous dominant
IbIb (B+B) Homozygous dominant Type B
Ibi (B+O) Heterozygous dominant
ii (O+O) Homozygous recessive Type O
IaIb (A+B) Heterozygous codominant Type AB