BLOOD circulation. As well, 85 percent of the
body’s phosphate is bound to calcium, most of it
in the bones. Sodium, chloride, and potassium
regulate the contraction of MUSCLEcells (including
those in the HEART) and the balance of fluid in the
Deficiencies of the major minerals can signifi-
cantly affect the functioning of the heart, KIDNEYS,
neurologic system, bones, and muscles. The most
common deficiencies of the major minerals are of
calcium, which can result in OSTEOPOROSIS and
heart ARRHYTHMIA, and potassium, which occurs
most commonly in people who take diuretic med-
ications to treat conditions such as congestive
HEART FAILUREand kidney disease.
Mineral toxicities of the major minerals are
uncommon though can occur in people who take
diuretic medications (when the kidneys keep
more of the mineral in the blood circulation,
allowing its level to accumulate) and in circum-
stances of OVERDOSEsuch as from taking excessive
mineral supplements. Overdose of magnesium can
disrupt the functions of the neurologic and cardio-
vascular systems severely enough to be fatal.
Some people develop HYPERTENSION(high BLOOD
PRESSURE) with long-term dietary excesses of
sodium and chloride, though most doctors do not
consider this toxicity.
Calcium The hormones PARATHYROID HORMONE
and calcitonin, along with the HORMONEform of
vitamin D, calcitriol, regulate the amounts of cal-
cium in the blood. Calcium is essential for bone
STRENGTH and BONE DENSITY. It is also a key ion
(electronically charged particle) with roles in
NERVE signals and muscle contraction. Calcium
channel blockers are drugs that regulate HEART
RATEand function by blocking the passage of cal-
cium ions in the heart muscle (MYOCARDIUM).
Sodium and chloride Sodium and chloride are
present in chemical combination with each other.
Sodium is a positively charged ion that is abun-
dant in the fluid outside the cells (extracellular
fluid) and regulates fluid balance in the body.
Chloride is a negatively charged ion that occurs
primarily in equilibrium with sodium in the extra-
cellular fluid, assisting with fluid balance. Special
molecular sensors in the glomeruli of the kidneys
continually monitor the levels of sodium and
chloride in the blood circulation, which deter-
mines how much of these minerals the kidneys
will reabsorb which in turn determines how much
water the kidneys hold for circulation in the
blood. Diuretic medications act on the molecular
sensors in the glomeruli to limit their ability to
reabsorb these minerals.
Table salt is sodium chloride, about 40 percent
sodium and 60 percent chloride. One teaspoon
of table salt contains two grams of sodium and
three grams of chloride.
Potassium Potassium is a positively charged
ion that is abundant in the fluid within the cells
(intracellular fluid). It is a key player in fluid bal-
ance within the body, and also in the transmission
of nerve impulses across neurons. The kidneys
also regulate the amount of potassium in the
blood circulation. Long-term diuretic therapy can
deplete potassium because potassium passes from
the blood along with sodium and chloride though
its levels in the circulation are much lower.
Chronic VOMITINGand DIARRHEAalso result in losses
of potassium. Chronically low potassium levels
cause hypertension, though researchers do not
understand the mechanisms of this.
Phosphate This mineral is integral to nucleic
acid formation (DNAand RNA) and cell reproduc-
tion. It also is a component of numerous enzymes,
is necessary for activation of the B vitamins, and
participates in energy conversion. Various forms of
phosphate bind with lipids to form the primary
structure of the cell membrane for every nucle-
ated cell in the body.
Magnesium Magnesium is essential for cellular
METABOLISM and energy conversion, influencing
the efficiency with which cells use GLUCOSEand
serving as a component of numerous enzymes.
Magnesium is also essential for initiating the con-
traction of muscle cells, facilitating nerve signals,
integrating certain IMMUNE SYSTEMfunctions, and
regulating blood pressure.
Trace Minerals
Trace minerals are present in the body in barely
measurable amounts, though their absence can
have far-reaching consequences for overall health.
Zinc and copper are essential for HEALINGand the
minerals and health 187