shin splints PAINalong the tibia, the area in the
lower leg commonly called the shin. Shin splints
are common among people who participate in
physical activities such as walking, running,
marching, and hiking. Pain is the primary symp-
tom, often occurring at the start of the activity,
subsiding as the activity continues, and returning
up to several hours after the activity ends. The
affected area of the leg is tender to the touch.
Simple shin splints seldom require a doctor’s
attention; treatment is rest. Many people find ice,
applied two or three times a day for 20 minutes
INGtakes three to four weeks; it is important to
avoid the responsible activity during this time.
Substituting nonimpact activities, such as bicycling
and swimming, can help maintain FITNESS LEVELor
continue a training regimen during the healing
Because the pain of shin splints can be intense,
people often worry about stress FRACTURE. Stress
fracture is much less common than shin splints
and occurs with extensive, repeated trauma over
time or when TRAININGfor an event bumps up the
level of intensity, whereas shin splints is a soft tis-
sue injury that typically occurs when starting a
new activity after a period of inactivity.
Properly fitted footwear appropriate for the
activity in combination with proper technique can
reduce the risk for shin splints and other repetitive
trauma injuries. Some people benefit from shoe
orthotics, devices that correct pronation (the angle
of the foot on impact). However, hard surfaces
such as pavement and concrete challenge even the
best footwear and technique. Rest from the activ-
ity at the first signs of shin splints can avert
extended down time.
sports drinks and foods Specialty products mar-
keted as beneficial for replenishing NUTRIENTSdur-
ing and after exercise. Though many people use
these products, most do not need or derive much
benefit from them. Health and fitness experts rec-
ommend following nutritious EATING HABITS to
maintain the body’s level of nutrients at optimal
level and maintaining adequate HYDRATION by
drinking sufficient water before, during, and
after exercise. Sports products are most helpful
for people who exercise at high intensity for
extended periods of time, such as those who par-
ticipate in competitive ENDURANCEevents such as
randonneuring, climbing, triathlon, or marathon.
In such circumstances, using these products to
supplement nutritional needs can provide a steady
source of energy to fuel the body’s intensified
Products and nutritional supplements
that contain ephedra (which is banned
in the United States) or the Chinese
herb ma huang, which are STIMULANTS,
may cause dangerous ARRHYTHMIA(irreg-
ularity of the HEART RATE).
Many energy and sports drink products contain
high amounts of sugars, which can deliver an
energy boost in the form of simple carbohydrates.
They also deliver significant calories. Some prod-
ucts also contain CAFFEINE or herbal STIMULANTS
such as GINSENG. Sports and nutrition bars may be
primarily carbohydrates as well, though some
products contain a mix of carbohydrates, proteins,
and fats that can provide quick nutrition when