Advance directives are instructions a person pre-
pares that state his or her desires and preferences
for end-of-life care. Typically advance directives
consist of two legal documents
- a living will, which specifies the person’s inten-
tions in regard to medical treatment and resus-
citative efforts - a durable power of attorney for health care, also
called durable medical power of attorney,
which authorizes another individual (called a
health-care agent or proxy) to make medical
decisions on behalf of a person in the circum-
stance of a medical crisis when the person is
unable to make such decisions
Advance directives are valid in all states in the
United States, though each state has unique laws,
regulations, and procedures for implementing
advance directives. Documents should be
updated, renewed, and resigned every few years
to ensure currency. Information for obtaining and
completing advance directive forms for each state
is available through
National Hospice and Palliative
Care Organization (NHPCO)
1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 625
Alexandria, VA 22314