Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

smoking and pulmonary disease
2: 230
tuberculosis 2: 359
Alzheimer’s disease 1:221–223;
3:358, 376, 379, 381
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
aphasia 1: 225
cognitive function and
dysfunction 1: 243
dementia 1: 252
Down syndrome 4: 123
ginkgo biloba 4: 70
memory and memory
impairment 1: 262
nervous system 1:217–219
neurotransmitter 1: 272
organic brain syndrome 1: 273
tai chi 4: 101
amblyopia 1:72–73, 100 , 110 ,118;
4: 123
ambulatory surgery 4:260, 267 ,
268 , 276
amebiasis 2:306–307, 350
amenorrhea 3:243, 269 , 270
American Cancer Society 1:168;
2:368, 373; 4: 28
American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG)
3:278; 4: 61
American Heart Association (AHA)
4:28, 212, 371
amino acid 2:64, 280; 4:97, 114,
192, 226, 229
amnesia 1:261; 4: 342
amniocentesis 3:243–244, 244 ,
327; 4: 130
amniotic fluid 3: 243 , 244,320, 349
amphetamines 4: 314 , 321, 321 t,
331, 338, 343, 350. See also
ampicillin 2:341, 353, 360
ampulla of Vater 3:4, 38
amputation 1:300–301, 323 , 351 ,
Amsler grid 1:70, 71, 73, 117
amygdala 1:231, 260–261
amyloidosis 2:154, 155, 160;
3:112–113,190; 4: 125
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
anabolic steroids and steroid
precursors 3:113, 119; 4: 66 ,
321–322, 322 t, 348
anaerobic bacteria 2:308, 312–313,
346; 4: 151

anal atresia 3:10, 40 ,352. See also
bowel atresia
anal fissure 3:10–11, 54 , 85 , 87 , 88
analgesic medications 1:366–368
acute pain 1: 363
aging and changes in pain
perception 1: 364
anesthesia 4: 261
earache 1: 21
eudynia 1: 372
headache 1: 377
living with pain 1: 378
maldynia 1: 379
methadone 4: 342
neural blockade 1: 380
opiates 4: 347
pain and pain management
1:361, 362
rebound headache 1:374–375
terminal pain 1: 384
anaphylaxis 1:206; 2:240, 243,
244–245,258, 260, 268, 270;
4:148, 369, 381
androgenic alopecia 1:137, 162
androgens 2:256, 381; 3:113, 113 t;
4: 321
aging and reproductive/sexual
changes 3: 242
estrogens 3: 126
FSH 3: 127
hirsutism 3: 134
hormone 3: 135
ovaries 3: 313
PCOS 3: 320
progesterone 3: 157
testosterone 3: 160
uterine fibroids 3: 350
andropause 3:244–245
anemia 2:124–126, 125 t;
3:171–172, 192, 193, 219, 269,
aging and changes in
blood/lymph 2: 123
blood disorders 2: 121
blood doping 4: 324
bone marrow donation 2: 132
chemotherapy 2: 376
cyanosis 2: 46
EPO 2: 138
erythrocytes 2: 119
G6PD deficiency 4: 131
hemoptysis 2: 204
multiple myeloma 2: 158
myelofibrosis 2: 160
sickle cell disease 2: 165
thalassemia 2: 169

anesthesia 1:385; 4:257, 258,
260–263, 261 t, 262 t,277, 344,
aneurysm 1:233; 2:10–11, 21
anger and anger management 4:49,
238 , 240–241, 241 t, 256
angina pectoris 2:11–12, 41 , 44 ,
54–55, 70 , 79 , 111–112; 4: 320
angioedema 1:206; 2: 244 , 245
angiogenesis 2:87, 253–254
angiogenesis inhibitor drugs 2:368
angiogram 2:12
angioma 1:138
angioplasty 2:12–13
angina pectoris 2: 12
CABG 2: 43
CAD 2:44–45
cardiac catheterization 2: 28
heart attack 2: 57
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2: 79
myocardial infarction 2: 87
stent 2:106
angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibitor 1:18, 42t;2:77,
77 t, 84 t
angiotensin II 2:77, 78; 3:111, 158,
angiotensin II receptor blockers
(ARBs) 2:78, 78t, 84 t
ankle injuries 1:301–302
ankylosing spondylitis 1:302–303
anorexia nervosa 3:94, 361, 374;
4: 202
antacids 3:11–12, 11 t;4: 155
anthracosis 2:183, 185 , 219
anthrax 2:309–310, 310 t;4: 386
anti-aging approaches 4:57–58, 70 ,
76 , 77 , 322
antianxiety medications 1:16;
3:359–360, 360 t;4:324, 331
antibiotic chemotherapy agents
2:376, 376t
antibiotic medications 2:307–308,
307 t–308t
adverse drug reaction 4: 148
antibiotic prophylaxis 4:7–8
antibiotic resistance 4: 150
drug 4: 154
ginseng 4: 72
IND 4: 160
preventive medicine 4: 1
side effect 4: 171
antibiotic ointment 4:216, 280
antibiotic prophylaxis 4:7–8, 7 t,
151 , 251

446 Index

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