Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

aphrodisiac 4:71, 106
aplastic anemia 2:125, 157
apnea 2:183–184, 191 , 199
apocrine sweat glands 1:128, 164,
apolipoprotein B100 (apoB100)
apoptosis 4:113–114
transition 2: 366
cancer 2: 364
Epstein-Barr virus 2: 323
hemolysis 2: 143
molecularly targeted therapies
2: 384
mononuclear phagocyte system
2: 283
NK cell 2: 286
oncogenes 2: 384
stem cell therapy 4: 141
telomere 4: 143
appearance 4:274, 275
appendectomy 3: 6 , 14–15, 15
appendicitis 3:15, 86
appendicular skeleton 1:293, 355
appendix 3:14, 15, 15–16
appetite 4:177–178, 201 , 292 , 294 ,
295 , 299 , 321 , 326
appetite suppressants 4:293, 309
apraxia 1:225–226
aqueous humor 1:67, 92, 93
arachidonic acid 2:279, 290
ARBs. Seeangiotensin II receptor
ARDS. Seeacute respiratory distress
Arixtra. Seefondaparinux
ARMD. Seeage-related macular
aromatherapy 4:58, 58 t, 68
arrhythmia 2:17–19, 18 t
alkyl nitrites 4: 320
angioplasty 2: 13
atrial fibrillation 2:22–23
bundle branch block 2: 26
CAD 2: 44
cardiac output 2: 29
cardioversion 2: 34
cocaine 4: 329
congenital heart disease 2: 39
CRT 2: 31
dehydration 4: 374
dextromethorphan 4: 332
ECG 2: 52
ectopic beat 2: 52
EECP 2: 55

EPS 2: 53
frostbite 4: 376
heart attack 2:56, 57
heart failure 2: 58
heart transplantation 2: 61
hiccup 2: 204
ICD 2: 69
LQTS 2:74–75
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2: 77
medicinal herbs and botanicals
4: 84
myocardial infarction 2: 87
obesity and cardiovascular
disease 2: 90
omega fatty acids and
cardiovascular health 2: 90
palpitations 2:93, 94
PAT 2:94
pulse 2: 100
PVC 2: 97
radiofrequency ablation 2: 101
sarcoidosis 2: 293
sick sinus syndrome 2:104
sports drinks and foods 4: 231
sudden cardiac death 2: 108
valvular heart disease 2: 113
syndrome 2:116–117
ART. Seeassisted reproductive
arterial plaque. Seeatherosclerotic
arterioles 1:127; 3:69, 111, 113,
antihistamine medications
2: 247
arteriosclerosis 2: 19
artery 2: 20
blood vessels 2: 5
capillary beds 2: 27
histamine 2: 267
Raynaud’s syndrome 2:101–102
arteriosclerosis 2:19, 107
arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
2: 11 , 19–20
artery 2:20; 3:206, 302
aneurysm 2:10–11
angioplasty 2:12–13
aorta 2:16
arteriosclerosis 2:19
atherosclerosis 2:21–22
atherosclerotic plaque 2:22
AVM 2:19–20
blood vessels 2: 4
cardiac catheterization 2: 28

cardiovascular system 2: 7
circle of Willis 2: 37 , 37, 37 , 37
coronary arteries 2:40–41
nicotine 4: 346
platelet 2: 163
pulmonary arteries 2:98
pulse 2: 99
stent 2: 106
tobacco use other than smoking
4: 306
arthritis 1:302–303, 322–324. See
also specific forms of arthritis, e.g.:
arthrogryposis 1:303–304
arthroscopy 1:295–296, 304
art therapy 4:58–59
asbestosis 2: 183 , 184–185,185,
185 t,193, 205, 210, 219
ascites 3:16, 195
ASD. Seeatrial septal defect
aspergillosis 2:185–186, 221 , 222
Aspergillus2:186, 327
asphyxia 2: 184 , 186–187
aspiration 1:18, 25; 2: 183 , 187
aspirin 1:59, 280, 361, 362, 368,
375; 2:56, 57, 71, 163, 287, 290,
316; 4:5, 82, 145, 165
aspirin, dangers of. SeeReye’s
aspirin therapy 1:183; 2:12, 14,
20–21,35, 79, 136, 287; 4: 16
assisted reproductive technology
(ART) 3:245–247, 264 , 283 , 289 ,
293 , 295 , 356
asthma 1:356; 2:187–190, 188 t,
189 t;4: 34
allergic asthma 2:240
bronchus 2: 198
byssinosis 2: 198
COPD 2: 199
desensitization 2: 258
leukotrienes 2: 279
living with chronic pulmonary
conditions 2: 207
pneumonitis 2: 223
astigmatism 1:73,80–82, 111
ataxia 1:226–227
atelectasis 2:190–191, 196 , 199 ,
201 , 208
atherectomy 2:21, 96
atheroma. Seeatherosclerotic
atherosclerosis 1:58, 261; 2:21–22;
3:218, 338
aging and drug metabolism/drug
response 4: 149

448 Index

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