Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

cleaning the ear 1:15, 21
cleft palate/cleft palate and lip 1: 6 ,
16,60; 4:110, 120
clitoris 3:264
cloning 4:119
closed-angle glaucoma 1:92, 93t
closed fracture 1:322; 4:364, 377
Clostridium botulinum1:141; 2:312,
313; 4: 151
clotting factor inhibitors 2:14, 78
clotting factors 2:134–136,
134 t–135t
anticoagulation therapy 2: 14
blood 2: 127
blood transfusion 2: 129
coagulation 2: 136
DIC 2: 137
hemophilia 2: 143
platelet 2: 163
platelet aggregation 2: 163
vitamin K 2: 173
clozapine 3:363, 363t, 367, 377
club drugs 4:328, 332 , 338
clubfoot. Seetalipes equinovarus
cluster headache 1:374, 376t, 377
clusters of differentiation 2:254
CMV. Seecytomegalovirus
coagulation 1:183; 2:136, 136
alcohol 4: 317
anticoagulation therapy
2:13–16, 15 t
antiphospholipid antibodies
2: 249
clotting factors 2: 134
DIC 2: 137
feverfew 4: 68
garlic 4: 69
ginger 4: 70
ginkgo biloba 4: 71
hematopoiesis 2: 141
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 2: 83
platelet 2:119, 163
thrombocythemia 2: 170
thrombocytopenia 2: 171
vitamin K 2: 173
von Willebrand’s disease 2: 174
coagulation cascade 2:144, 163,
173, 266
coal worker’s pneumoconiosis
(CWP) 2:183, 205, 219
cocaine 1:49, 361; 2:11, 17, 111;
4:328–329, 328 t
addiction 4:314, 315
dependence 4: 331
depressants 4: 332

drugs 4: 145
ethchlorvynol 4: 334
illicit drug use 4: 340
stimulants 4: 350
substance abuse 4: 313
coccidioidomycosis 2:318–319,
318 t
cochlea 1: 3 , 16–17,30, 37
cochlear implant 1: 6 , 17
codeine 4:155, 311, 347
coenzyme Q10 4:14, 16–17, 64–65,
65 t,74, 134, 177
cognitive function and dysfunction
1:242–244, 243 t;2:107, 344, 356
ataxia 1:226–227
chronic fatigue syndrome
CJD 1:248–249
consciousness 1:245
delirium 1:250–251
dementia 1:251–252
Huntington’s disease 1:256
learning disorders 1:258–259
memory and memory
impairment 1:260–262
neurologic examination 1: 270
organic brain syndrome
sign language 1:51
cognitive therapy 3:369
addiction 4: 315
anger and anger management
4: 241
art therapy 4: 59
behavior modification therapy
3: 366
body dysmorphic disorder 3: 368
conduct disorder 3: 369
conversion disorder 3: 369
cyclothymic disorder 3: 370
detoxification 4: 332
dysthymic disorder 3: 373
hypochondriasis 3: 376
OCD 3: 378
oppositional defiant disorder
3: 378
panic disorder 3: 379
phobia 3: 379
psychotherapy 3: 381
substance abuse 4: 313
violence 4: 255
colds 1:19, 28–29, 32; 2: 303 , 319,
354; 4: 67
cold sore 1:17–18; 4: 333
cold water drowning 4: 50 ,
368–369,369, 370, 376

colitis 3:25–26, 61 , 88
collagen 1:170, 316, 342; 2:119,
266; 4: 206
colon 2:260, 307; 3:26, 26 t
cecum 3: 21
colitis 3: 25
colonoscopy 3: 26
colorectal cancer 3: 28
constipation 3: 32
enema 3: 40
FAP 3: 43
fecal impaction 3: 43
fecal incontinence 3: 44
fiber and gastrointestinal health
3: 45
flatulence 3: 45
gastrointestinal system 3: 4
Hirschsprung’s disease 3: 58
HNPCC 3: 58
IBD 3: 61
ileoanal reservoir 3: 60
ileostomy 3: 60
ileum 3: 61
intestinal polyp 3: 64
laxatives 3: 68
rectum 3: 87
small intestine 3: 89
toxic megacolon 3: 93
colonoscopy 3:26–28; 4: 14
colorectal cancer 3: 29
FAP 3: 43
FOBT 3: 45
gastrointestinal system 3:5, 7
HNPCC 3: 58
intestinal polyp 3: 64
rectum 3: 87
colony-stimulating factors (CSFs)
2:254, 276
color deficiency 1:80
colorectal cancer 2:370, 374, 394;
3:28–31, 29 t, 30 t
acromegaly 3: 105
cancer prevention 4: 14
colonoscopy 3: 26
colostomy 3: 31
diarrhea 3: 34
FAP 3: 43
FOBT 3: 44
gastrointestinal system 3: 5
HNPCC 3: 57
obesity and health 4: 302
stomach cancer 3: 91
colostomy 3: 6 , 31–32,60, 87
colposcopy 3: 257 , 264, 292
coma 1:244, 244 t, 277 ,288; 4:198,

460 Index

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