Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

ERCP 3: 38
gallbladder 3: 46
gastrointestinal bleeding 3: 51
gastrointestinal system 3:3, 4
gastroparesis 3: 52
Helicobacter pylori3: 53
peptic ulcer disease 3: 81
small intestine 3: 89
dura mater 1:262, 263
DVT. Seedeep vein thrombosis
dwarfism. Seeskeletal dysplasia
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
(DUB) 3: 268 , 268–269, 318
dyskinesia 1:252,256; 4: 321
dysmenorrhea 1:366; 3:243, 269,
269–270, 270 t;4: 67
dyspepsia 3: 11 , 37,42, 323
dysphagia. Seeswallowing
dysplasia 1:318–319; 2:337, 366,
380, 381
dyspnea 2:203, 203 t;4: 367
allergic asthma 2: 240
apnea 2: 184
atelectasis 2: 190
auscultation 2: 191
breathing 2: 193
breath sounds 2: 194
bronchitis 2: 196
bronchus 2: 198
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
2: 199
COPD 2: 200
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
2: 331
heart failure 2: 58
heart murmur 2: 59
histoplasmosis 2: 333
hypoxia 2: 205
interstitial lung disorders 2: 205
Legionnaires’ disease 2: 206
lung abscess 2: 208
pleural effusion 2: 218
pneumoconiosis 2: 219
pneumonitis 2: 222
pneumothorax 2: 223
SARS 2: 353
silicosis 2: 229
dyspraxia. Seeapraxia
dysthymic disorder 3: 372 , 373
dystonia 1:256, 286, 320
dysuria 3: 179 , 186, 186 t, 227

ear 1:20
barotrauma 1:11

cauliflower ear 1:14
cerumen 1:14–15
cholesteatoma 1:15
cleaning 1:15
cochlea 1:16–17
eustachian tube 1:23
foreign objects in 1:24
functions of 1:3–4
mastoiditis 1:33
myringitis 1:35
myringotomy 1:35
noise exposure and hearing
otitis 1:40
otoplasty 1:41
otorrhea 1:41
otosclerosis 1:41
otoscopy 1:41, 43
ototoxicity 1:43
tinnitus 1:58
tympanic membrane 1:59
ear, nose, mouth, and throat
1:1–64, 2
breakthrough research and
treatment advances 1: 6
ear 1:3–4
functions of 1:1–5
health and disorders of 1: 5
mouth and throat 1:4–5
nose 1: 4
overview 1:1–6
structures of 1: 1
traditions in medical history
earache 1:20–21
ear lavage 1: 15 , 21
ear wax. Seecerumen
eating disorders 3:94, 243, 361,
eating habits 1:265; 2:31, 47, 50,
280, 302, 382; 4:294–295. See also
aging and nutrition/dietary
changes 4: 176
appetite 4: 177
bariatric surgery 4:284, 288
beriberi 4: 179
cardiovascular disease
prevention 4: 15
childhood obesity 4: 291
diabetes prevention 4: 19
diet and health 4: 182
dieting 4: 293
drugs 4: 147
fitness level 4: 222
health risk factors 4:28–29

lifestyle variables: smoking and
obesity 4: 283
malnutrition 4: 186
nutritional assessment 4: 193
nutritional supplements 4: 197
nutritional therapy 4: 92
obesity 4:299, 300
pellagra 4: 199
physical activity
recommendations 4: 228
sports drinks and foods 4: 231
weight loss and weight
management 4:309, 310
ecchymosis 1:154; 2:137, 142;
4: 280
eccrine sweat glands 1:128, 164,
ECG. Seeelectrocardiogram
echinacea 2:237, 239, 319; 4:67,
67 t, 73 , 196
echocardiogram 2:51, 51 t
eclampsia 3:271, 289
ecstasy (drug) 4:328, 338, 343,
343, 343 t
ECT. Seeelectroconvulsive therapy
ectopic beat 2:51–52
ectopic pregnancy 3: 8 , 271–272,
293, 347–348
ectropion 1:87
edema 1:201; 2:40, 58, 99, 115,
Edward’s syndrome 4:114, 117,
124, 124 t
efficacy 4:158
eggs. Seeova
Egypt, ancient 2:6, 76, 304
ejaculation 3:272
erection 3: 278
infertility 3: 293
Kegel exercises 3: 199
nocturnal emission 3: 306
orgasm 3: 308
semen 3: 337
sexual intercourse 3: 339
sperm 3: 342
sperm donation 3: 342
urethra 3: 222
vas deferens 3: 354
elastin 1:316, 335
elder abuse 4:244–246
elderly. Seeaging
electrocardiogram (ECG) 2:52–53,
52 t;4: 330
defibrillation 2: 47
echocardiogram 2: 51
EECP 2: 54

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