retinoblastoma 1:114, 118
retinopathy 1:71, 87, 114,
114–115; 2:66, 259, 368; 4: 79
retrobulbar optic neuritis
1:115–116, 263 , 269
retrograde ejaculation 3:182, 272,
335–336, 345
retrovirus 2:305, 362
reverse transcriptase 2:334, 362
Reye’s syndrome 1: 59 , 279–280;
2: 316
rhabdomyoma 1:353
rheumatic heart disease 2: 54 , 103,
113, 114, 353–355
rheumatoid arthritis 1:117, 328,
354, 357, 370–371; 2:291–292,
292 t
adverse drug reaction 4: 148
aging and physical ability/fitness
4: 215
antiphospholipid antibodies
2: 249
DMARDs 2: 258
immune system 2: 238
immunoglobulin 2: 275
immunosuppressive medications
2: 276
immunosuppressive therapy
2: 276
inflammation 2: 277
Sjögren’s syndrome 2: 294
TNFs 2: 297
Rh factor 2:129, 130, 246; 4: 12
rhinoplasty 1:47
rhinorrhea 1:5, 41, 45, 47
rhizotomy 1:241, 268, 280
rhytidoplasty 1:191–192, 210
ribosomes 4:110, 116, 127
RICE (rest, ice, compression, and
elevation) 1: 301 , 353,355, 356,
359, 363, 372
rickets 1:315; 4:199–200
Rickettsia rickettsii2:350, 351
right atrium 2:104, 225
right lymphatic duct 2:134, 149,
155 , 165, 170
ringworm. Seetinea
risk factors for cardiovascular
disease 2:36, 49, 64, 102–103,
102 t. See alsoobesity and
cardiovascular disease; smoking
and cardiovascular disease
apoB100 2:16–17
risperidone 3:367, 377
RNA (ribonucleic acid) 2:334, 338,
361, 362; 4: 110 , 139
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
rods 1:91, 113, 114
Rome, ancient 4:1, 17–18
rosacea 1:74, 79, 192–193, 192 t
rotator cuff impingement syndrome
1: 275 , 353
route of administration 4:169–170,
169 t, 344
routine medical examination
2:52–53, 58, 378, 380, 383; 4: 42 ,
44–45, 218
RTA. Seerenal tubular acidosis
rubella 1:30, 238; 2:40, 245, 351
rubeola. Seemeasles
ruptured eardrum 1: 41 , 47–48, 59
Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
4:19, 20
St. John’s wort (hypericum) 1:183;
3:372; 4: 83 , 99, 99 t
salicylic acid 1:361; 4: 82
saliva 1:49, 50; 2:295, 332, 344
salivary glands 1: 4 , 49,50;
2:294–295, 345
salmonellosis 2:352
SAMe 4:97–98, 98 t, 99
SA node. Seesinoatrial node
sarcoidosis 2:193, 198, 293–294,
293 t, 319
sarcoma 2:391, 391 , 391 t
satiety 4:201, 299
saturated fats 4:181, 191
saw palmetto 4: 83 , 98, 98 t
scabies 1:194
scale 1:194
scalp (dandruff) 1:147–148
scar 1:194; 4: 366
scarlet fever 2:352–353
scarring 2:199, 214, 219, 226;
4:265, 268, 280, 361
scar tissue 2:230, 266, 291
SCC. Seesquamous cell carcinoma
scheduled drug 4:170, 170 t
schizophrenia 3:382–383
antipsychotic medications 3: 362
delusion 3: 371
hallucinogens 4: 337
paranoia 3: 379
substances 4: 348
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 3: 358
psychosis 3: 381
substance abuse 4: 313
suicidal ideation and suicide
3: 385
sciatica 1:354
sclera 1:65, 79, 88, 117, 123
scleritis 1:117, 117 t
SCN. Seesuprachiasmatic nucleus
scoliosis 1:354–355
scotoma 1:117
scrotum 3:267, 283, 290, 337,343,
scurvy 4: 174 , 201–202, 202 t, 206
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
sebaceous glands 1:125, 131, 133,
146–148, 194–195
seborrheic dermatitis 1:147–148,
seborrheic keratosis 1:195
sebum 1:125, 128, 131, 162, 164,
secondary adrenal insufficiency
3:106, 291
secondary sexual characteristics
3:236, 242, 249, 296, 334, 337,
337 t, 348
sedation 1:384; 4:276, 323, 331
sedentary lifestyle. Seephysical
seizure disorders 1:218, 265,
281–282, 281 t;3:187, 271, 360,
seizures 4:332, 334, 337, 375
selective estrogen receptor
modulators (SERMs) 1:346; 3: 252
selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) 1:217, 381;
4: 172
antianxiety medications 3: 359
antidepressant medications
3: 361
autism 3: 365
body dysmorphic disorder 3: 368
depression 3: 372
eating disorders 3: 374
GAD 3: 376
OCD 3: 378
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 3: 358
SAD 3: 382
trichotillomania 3: 386
selenium 4:105, 177
self antigens 2:237, 246, 282, 296
self cells 2:235–237, 246, 267, 364
semen 3:272, 330, 331, 337–338,
338 t, 339
seminal vesicles 3:337, 343
502 Index