Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

sodium channel blocker 2: 18 t,76,
82, 82t, 86 t
soft tissue injuries 4:367, 367 t,377.
See alsorepetitive motion injuries
soilborne illness 2:318–319, 333
solar keratosis. Seeactinic keratosis
somatic cell 4:115, 118, 127, 133,
somatic motor nerves 1:246, 247t
somatic nervous system 1:216, 277
somatization disorder 3:384–385,
385 t
somatostatin 3:35, 79, 100, 128,
132, 149, 158–159
sore throat 1:45, 57
soy 4:83, 94, 95, 98–99, 98 t, 99 t,
177, 185
soy and cardiovascular health
2:106, 106 t
Spanish flu 4:2, 35
spasm 1:286, 319, 320, 356,365;
2:101, 204; 4: 381
speech disorders 1:54–55, 63 ,
sperm 3:340–342; 4: 115
ART 3: 246
endocrine system 3: 100
fertility 3: 283
orgasm 3: 309
relaxin 3: 158
reproductive system 3: 233
secondary sexual characteristics
3: 337
semen 3: 337
sexual intercourse 3: 339
tubal ligation 3: 347
urethra 3: 222
vas deferens 3: 354
zygote 3: 356
spermatic cord 3:337, 343, 345,
spermatocele 3:342, 346
spermatogenesis 3:127, 148, 160,
293, 337, 340–341, 343
spermatozoon 4:127, 138, 144
sperm donation 3:342
spiders 4:381–382
spider veins. Seetelangiectasis
spina bifida 1: 217 , 282–283; 4:39,
spinal accessory nerve 1:246, 247t
spinal cord 1:283
anesthesia 4: 261
cerebrospinal fluid 1: 241
herniated nucleus pulposus
1: 326

laminectomy 1: 333
meninges 1:262–263
nervous system 1:212, 215, 216
pain and pain management
1: 361
spina bifida 1:282–283
spinal nerves 1: 284
spinal stenosis 1: 356
stinger 4: 232
spinal cord injury 1:217–218,
283–284; 3:223, 360; 4:50, 368,
spinal nerves 1:284
dermatome 1: 252
herniated nucleus pulposus
1: 326
laminectomy 1: 333
neural blockade 1: 380
peripheral nerves 1: 276
peripheral nervous system 1: 276
rhizotomy 1:280
sciatica 1:354
spinal cord 1: 283
spinal stenosis 1: 356
spinal stenosis 1:356–357
spinal tap. Seelumbar puncture
spine 1:302–303, 306–307, 332,
334, 354–355, 365
spiritual beliefs and health care
4:79, 82, 88, 91, 238, 252–253
spleen 2: 167 , 167; 3:18, 19, 67
aging and changes in
blood/lymph 2:123–124
bone marrow 2: 132
erythrocyte 2: 137
erythrocytes 2: 119
hematopoiesis 2: 140
immune system 2: 235
leukocyte 2: 148
MAbs 2: 283
platelet 2:119, 163
splenectomy 2: 168
splenomegaly 2: 168
T-cell lymphocyte 2: 296
splenectomy 2: 168 , 168, 168 t
babesiosis 2: 311
immune disorders 2: 272
spleen 2: 167
splenomegaly 2: 168
thalassemia 2: 169
thrombocythemia 2: 170
thymectomy 2: 172
splenomegaly 2:143, 160, 164, 168,
168 t, 345
spontaneous abortion 3:240, 263,
282, 350

sports drinks and foods 4:231–232,
sprains and strains 1:301–302, 304,
333, 353, 355–356; 4:237, 367
sputum 2:195, 196, 206, 208, 219,
231,233; 4: 357
squamous cell. Seekeratinocyte
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
actinic keratosis 1: 133
cancer 2: 365
characteristics 1: 198 t
epidermolysis bullosa 1: 155
esophageal cancer 3: 40
integumentary system 1: 130
keratinocyte 1: 170
keratoacanthoma 1:170
lung cancer 2: 208
Mohs’ micrographic surgery
1: 176
skin cancer 1: 197
SSRIs. Seeselective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors
staging and grading of cancer
2:392–393, 392 t, 393 t
breast cancer 3: 253
cervical cancer 3:257–258, 257t
CIN 3: 258
colorectal cancer 3: 29
endometrial cancer 3:273–274
leukemia 2: 148
lung cancer 2: 210
lymphoma 2: 155
ovarian cancer 3:310–311
prostate cancer 3: 328
sentinel lymph node dissection
stomach cancer 3: 91
thoracentesis 2: 232
staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome 1:200
Staphylococcus1:143, 180, 181t,200;
2:221, 357; 4:147, 150
starvation 4: 185 , 202, 309
statins 2:57, 82, 82t;4: 16
STDs. Seesexually transmitted
steatohepatitis 3:89–90; 4: 149
steatorrhea 3:90
Stein-Leventhal syndrome. See
polycystic ovary syndrome
stem cell 1:130, 219; 2:122, 130;
4: 115 , 140–141
stem cell therapy 4:141
stem cell transplantation 2:159,
276, 372

Index 505
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