Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

waterborne illnesses 2:362–363,
363 t;4: 2
amebiasis 2:306–307
cholera 2:317–318
cryptosporidiosis 2:320
cyclosporiasis 2:320
E. coliinfection 2:324–325
giardiasis 2: 329
infectious diseases 2: 303
listeriosis 2:341
parasite 2: 348
salmonellosis 2:352
SARS 2:353
shigellosis 2:353
typhoid fever 2:360
water safety 4:49–50
Watson, James 4:111, 122, 132
weak ankles 1:302; 4:237
weight and pain 1:389
weekend warrior 4:237
weight loss and weight
management 1:265; 2:30, 96;
4:309–310, 310 t
abdominal adiposity 4: 284
bariatric surgery 4:284, 287,
BMI 4: 290
body fat percentage 4:288–289
childhood obesity 4:291–292
conditioning 4: 218
diet aids 4: 293
dieting 4:293, 294
eating habits 4: 295
“fat burners” 4: 295
fitness: exercise and health
4: 210
flat feet 4: 224
lifestyle variables: smoking and
obesity 4: 283
obesity 4:299, 300
obesity and health 4:301, 302
physical activity
recommendations 4: 228
satiety 4: 201
waist circumference 4: 308
walking for fitness 4: 235
wheal 1:205–206, 209–210
Whipple’s disease 3: 89 , 94

white blood cells (WBCs). See
white matter 1:216, 283
whitlow 1:210
WHO. SeeWorld Health
whooping cough (pertussis)
Wilms’s tumor 3: 215 , 231–232,
231 t;4: 135
Wilson’s disease 3: 134 , 167–168,
168 t;4: 31
withdrawal reflex 1:381, 382
withdrawal syndrome 4:354
addiction 4: 315
alcoholism 4: 320
benzodiazepines 4: 324
dependence 4: 330
depressants 4: 331
methadone 4: 342
stimulants 4:350–351
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
2:39, 101, 116–117
women’s health
aging and cardiovascular
changes 2: 10
cancer risk factors 2: 370
episcleritis 1: 88
fibromyalgia 1:321, 322
HPV 2: 336
migraine headache 1: 374
osteoporosis 1: 346
pain and pain management
1: 362
rheumatoid arthritis 2: 291
Sjögren’s syndrome 2: 295
SLE 2:295, 296
smoking and cardiovascular
disease 2: 105
trichomoniasis 2: 358
workplace stress 4: 40 , 255–256
World Health Organization (WHO)
1:344; 2:237, 304, 353–354;
3: 288
wound care 1:141; 4:280–281
wrinkles 1:134–135, 141, 158, 191,
wryneck. Seetorticollis

xanthelasma 1:124, 211
xanthoma 1:211
X-rays 1:13, 295

yeast infection 1:57–58, 152;
2:185, 308–309, 314–315, 347
yoga 4:106
alternative and complementary
approaches to conventional
medicine 4: 52
anger and anger management
4: 241
conditioning 4: 218
cross training 4: 219
depression 3: 372
endurance 4: 220
flexibility 4: 224
headache 1: 375
hyperventilation 2: 205
IBS 3: 66
knee injuries 1: 332
living with chronic pulmonary
conditions 2: 208
meditation 4: 88
yohimbe/yohimbine 4: 84 ,
106–107, 107 t
youth high-risk behavior 4:50,
50 t

zeaxanthin 1:102; 4: 79 , 107–108,
107 t
zinc 4:177, 187
ziprasidone 3:367, 377
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
3:94–95, 152
zona fasciculata 3:108, 109
zona glomerulosa 3:108, 109
zygote 3:356; 4:144
chromosomal disorders 4: 117
chromosome 4:118–119
cloning 4: 119
ectopic pregnancy 3:271, 272
embryo 3: 272
gamete 4: 127
replication error 4: 139

Index 513
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