Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

autonomic nervous system 216, 277
avulsion 322
avulsion fracture 301, 341
axial skeleton 293, 355
axon 216, 220, 270, 271, 283

back pain 306–307
ankylosing spondylitis 302
cervical spondylosis 316–317
chiropractic 365
herniated nucleus pulposus
laminectomy 333
spinal stenosis 356
baclofen (Lioresal) 102, 259, 360
bacteria 39
bacterial labyrinthitis 31
bacterial sinusitis 52
bad breath. Seehalitosis
Baker, William Morrant 307
Baker’s cyst 307
balance 3–4, 33–35
ball and socket joint 294
ballism 242
barotrauma 11, 48
basal cell carcinoma 130, 176,
196–197, 198t
basal ganglia 227, 231, 238, 241,
252, 256
baseball elbow (medial
epicondylitis) 320
basement membrane 154
Becker’s muscular dystrophy 337,
338 t
bedsore. Seedecubitus ulcer
behind the ear (BTE) hearing aid
Bell’s palsy 87, 228–229
Benadryl. Seediphenhydramine
benign essential blepharospasm 75
benign essential tumor 286, 288
benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo (BPPV) 11–12
benign tumor. Seetumor,
benzodiazepines 16
benzonatate 19
beta blocker 289, 367, 368
beta waves 253
bicuspid 294
bifocal eyeglasses 83
binocular diplopia 86
binocular vision 121
biochemicals 362
biofeedback 365, 375

birth defects. See alsocongenital
acne medications 132
congenital hip dysplasia
minoxidil and finasteride 138
spina bifida 282–283
talipes equinovarus 358
birthmark 139–141, 140 t, 203
bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto
Bismol) 280
bisphosphonates 346, 348
black eye 74
bleeding control 22
blepharitis 74,96, 106
blepharoplasty 75, 210
blepharospasm 75
blindness 92
blind spot 117, 121. See alsooptic
blinking 65
blister 141
bulla 141–142
epidermolysis bullosa 154
frostbite 159
impetigo 166
pustule 190
staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome 200
blood 323
blood-brain barrier 229,230, 272
blood cells 355
blood clots 346
blood donation 189
blood vessels 127–128, 244,
bloody nose. Seeepistaxis
blowing the nose 12–13, 36
Bogart-Bacall syndrome 13
boil. Seefuruncle
bone 307–309, 309 t, 311 t
ankle injuries 301
calcium and bone health
fracture 322–323
musculoskeletal system 293
osteogenesis imperfecta
osteomalacia 343
osteomyelitis 343–344
osteopetrosis 344–345
Paget’s disease of the bone 348
skeleton 355
talipes equinovarus 358
tendon 359
bone cancer 309–310

bone cell 298, 299
bone density 310–311,313,
bone disease (osteogenesis
imperfecta) 342–343
bone loss 345
bone marrow 308, 309, 344–345,
bone marrow transplantation 345
bone spur 311, 356
bony labyrinth 4
Botox (botulinum neurotoxin A)
botulinum neurotoxin A (Botox)
botulinum neurotoxin B (Myobloc)
botulinum therapy 141
blepharospasm 75
dystonia 320
hyperhidrosis 165
sialorrhea 50
tremor disorders 289
wrinkles 210
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE) 248
BPPV (benign paroxysmal
positional vertigo) 11–12
bradykinesia 252
braille 75–76
Braille, Louis 75
brain 230–233, 231 t, 233 t
Alzheimer’s disease 221
analgesic medications 367, 368
aphasia 225
blood-brain barrier 229
cerebral palsy 238–241
cerebrospinal fluid 241
CJD 248–249
coma 244
concussion 244–245
deep brain stimulation 250
dementia 251–252
EEG 253–254
encephalopathy 254
Huntington’s disease 256
hydrocephaly 256–257
learning disorders 258–259
maldynia 378
memory and memory
impairment 260–262
meninges 262–263
musculoskeletal system 293
nervous system 215, 217, 218
organic brain syndrome

Index 397
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