Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

Treatments for cancer offer varying benefits and
risks. Cancer experts often recommend obtaining a
second opinion evaluation from another physician
specialist before making treatment decisions.
Treatment is highly successful for colorectal cancers
detected before they spread beyond the wall of the
bowel. Stage 0 colorectal cancer is nearly always
curable, and more than 90 percent of people diag-
nosed with stage 1 colorectal cancer are cancer-free
five years after treatment. The course of advanced

and recurrent colorectal cancer is more challeng-
ing, and often results in moderate to significant
lifestyle changes. Recovery from extensive surgery
may take several months, and radiation therapy
and chemotherapy typically cause numerous and
varied side effects that often limit participation in
regular activities. Though the outlook for colorectal
cancer continues to improve with early detection
and new treatment technologies, it remains a seri-
ous health condition that requires appropriate and

30 The Gastrointestinal System


Procedure Frequency Benefits Drawbacks or Risks
DIGITAL RECTAL annually after age 45 can detect growths and does not detect very small growths or
EXAMINATION(DRE) abnormalities in the RECTUM growths beyond the rectum
further procedures required to investigate
positive results

FECAL OCCULT BLOOD annually after age 50 detects microscopic blood the growth is large enough to cause
TEST(FOBT) in the stool, often while the bleeding by the time of detection
growth causing the bleeding compliance is low
is still very small; sample further procedures required to
collected at home; home- investigate positive results
testing kits available

sigmoidoscopy every 5 years for those provides direct examination does not visualize full length of the colon
with average risk; every of the walls of the rectum unpleasant preparation
3 years for those with and sigmoid COLON; doctor some discomfort during the procedure
increased risk can remove or biopsy minimal risk of INFECTION, bleeding, or
detected polyps or tumors perforation
further procedures required to investigate
positive results

double-contrast every 10 years for those provides clear does not detect very small polyps or
BARIUM ENEMA with average risk; every representation of the full tumors
5 years for those with colon less effective in detecting polyps or
increased risk tumors in the rectum than in the colon
unpleasant preparation
some discomfort during the procedure
further procedures required to investigate
positive results

COLONOSCOPY every 10 years for those allows direct examination unpleasant preparation
with average risk; every of the full colon; doctor some discomfort during the procedure
5 years for those with can remove or biopsy requires general sedation
increased risk detected polyps or tumors minimal risk of infection, bleeding, or

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