Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1


laxatives Products to stimulate bowel move-
ments. Laxatives work through various actions.
Some help the stool to retain fluid, keeping the
stool softer. Some lubricate the walls of the COLON,
making it easier for digestive waste to move
through the gastrointestinal tract. Others intro-
duce fiber, which adds bulk to the stool as well as
retains more fluid in the stool. Stimulant laxatives
irritate the walls of the colon to accelerate PERI-
STALSIS(contractions of the bowel), which moves
stool through the bowel. Laxatives intended to
completely clear the colon, such as preparation for
called cathartics or drastics because their actions
are fast and intense. Laxatives come in oral

(tablets, powders, and liquids) and rectal (supposi-
tories and enemas) preparations. They are avail-
able over the counter.
Doctors recommend attempting natural meth-
ods to encourage regular bowel movements before
using laxatives. The gastrointestinal tract’s rhythm
correlates to the kinds and amounts of foods
ingested, as well as to the frequency of meals.
Though many people believe a daily bowel move-
ment is “normal,” normal is an individual meas-
ure that can range from two or three times daily
to once every three days, depending on dietary
habits. Using laxatives to structure daily bowel
movements interferes with the bowel’s natural
rhythms. Over time, the bowel becomes “lazy”



Kind of Laxative Actions Representative Products
stool softeners add moisture to the stool docusate sodium (Colace)
docusate calcium (Surfak)

lubricants lubricate the intestinal walls glycerin suppositories
mineral oil

bulking agents add fiber to the stool, which bran
increases bulk and draws calcium polycarbophil (FiberCon)
moisture methylcellulose (Citrucel)
psyllium (Metamucil)

osmotic agents (hyperosmotics) draw large amounts of fluid into the lactulose (Cephulac, Duphalac)
stool for rapid and thorough evacuation magnesium citrate
of intestinal contents sodium citrate

STIMULANTS irritate the walls of the colon to cause bisacodyl (Dulcolax)
them to contract (PERISTALSIS) casanthranol (Doxidan)
senna (Senokot)

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