- Virus Diseases—Leaf Roll, Potato Virus X and Y are the most damaging, but not
serious unless the tubers are kept for seed. Seed potato crops are therefore grown in
cold, aphid-free areas. - Scab—parts of the surface of the potato become brown and cracked, but this
mainly causes only cosmetic “damage”. Worst in alkaline/heavily limed soils with
low organic matter content. Controlled by watering and by incorporating plenty of
humus into the soil before planting.
Pests: potatoes are very attractive to slugs, which can be controlled on a small scale
with various traps, or as a last resort, with Aluminium Sulphate or other insecticide
pellets applied to the soil near the plants. This should always be covered, as
protection against the elements and so that wild life cannot eat the pellets. - Potato Aphids—see Virus Diseases above. They are not normally sprayed.
grown too often on the same soil. The other type, found in the tropics, causes neither
cysts nor any damage.
- Colorado Beetle—yellow, with four black stripes on its back. The larvae eat the
leaves and can destroy the entire crop. Controlled with derris, pyrethrum or nicotine. - Potato Tuber Moth—larvae attack the haulm, then enter the tubers; or they attack
the tubers in storage. Worse when potatoes are grown out of season. - Cutworms, Wireworms and Epilachna Beetle can also cause some damage.
The global average yield of potatoes in 2004 was estimated by FAO at 17.6 MT/ha,
but yields vary widely from about 5–10 MT/ha in low input systems in Africa and
elsewhere to over 50 MT/ha in advanced farming systems.
both reporting 3 MT/ha.
The UK average yield for 2004 was estimated by FAO at 43 MT/ha.
- boiled, fried or roasted. In parts of Africa mashed potatoes are eaten with maize
A ccording to FAO the highest national average yield in 2004 was achieved by
Belgium, with an impressive 48.4 MT/ha. The lowest was in Angola and Benin,
- Nematodes—two types: the type found in temperate regions (potato root eel-
worm) forms cysts on the roots and can become a major problem if potatoes are
Virtually all potatoes are grown for more or less local consumption, normally
In industry, potatoes are used as a source of starch, and for spirits and industrial
Small and/or diseased tubers are often fed to animals.
and legumes.
Potatoes are widely enjoyed in alcoholic form as vodka.
there is a marked dry season, some control is obtained by a bare fallow (nothing
planted). Fumigation works well, but is very expensive.