Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth (ExtremeTech)

(Dana P.) #1

296 Part IV — Google Earth Hacks

The longitude/latitude of the current center point of the map (called the Pointer).
The elevation (height above sea level) of that point.

The status of the information satellite images that are streamed to the application.
The altitude of the current view; that is, the height (above sea level) from which you see

You can see, from Figure 15-1, just how high up you would have to be to see the same infor-
mation. If you double-click one of the points on the left, say, the Google Campus, you will “fly”
to the Google Campus, with the satellite imagery flowing past, until the map centers on the
Google Campus. This is almost impossible to represent within a book, but Figures 15-2
through 15-4 show some interstitial images from the starting point in Figure 15-1 to give you
some idea.

FIGURE15-2: Starting the flight.
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