How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
logarithmic functions, 97
logarithms, approximated by a 
polynomial, 82
“Logic and the Understanding of
Nature,” 123
logic of true-false truth tables, see
propositional logic
loop quantum gravity, 35
loran (navigational system), 70
Lorentz transformations, 139
Lorenz, Dr. Edward, 179–80
Los Angeles Dodgers, 8
Louis XVI, King of France, 81

McCain, John, 218
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 83
Mac Lane, Saunders, 246
Mclean, Evalyn Walsh, 81–82
macrostates, 191–94, 195
Manhattan Project, 2, 196
Marie Antoinette, 81
Martin, Dean, 52
Marx, Karl, 242
mathematical aesthetics, xvi
mathematical democracy, 138
mathematical induction, principle of, 
120 –22
mathematical proofs, see proofs, 
mathematical theories, 33–34,
cumulative progress, 82
as idealizations, 136
melding of, 35, 39, 162
Mathematician’s Apology, A (Hardy),
mathematics, definition of, 134
MathSciNet, 234–35
matrix, 55

matter-energy conservation, principle 
of, 3 8 
Maxwell’s equations describing
eletromagnetic behavior, 139, 146,
147, 149
measurement, 13
mechanical energy, 187
Mena, Robert, xi
Menaechmus, 69, 70, 75
Mendeleyev, Dmitry, 134–35
Mercury, precession of the perihelion
of, 31, 143
Merryfield, Kent, xi
method of largest fractions (Hamilton
method), 228–33
Michell, John, 196
Michelson, Albert, 30, 139
Microbe Hunters (de Kruif ), 242
microelectronic revolution, xvii, 2, 46
microstates, 191–94, 195
Mittag-Leff ler, Gustav, 1
momentum, 57
“moneyball” approach, 8
moon, putting a man on the moon,
2– 3
Monet, Claude, 245
Morley, Edward, 139
most first-place votes method, 210, 212,
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 19, 72, 
multiplication, 91
multiplicative inverse, 91
multiverse, 138, 139, 245, 247
Murphy’s Law, 155

Nader, Ralph, 216
natural numbers, see positive integers
Navier-Stokes equation, 2

Index 257 
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