How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1

rank-order voting, 209–14, 219
head-to-head matchups, 211, 213
most first-place votes, 210, 212, 213
numerical total, 211, 213
runoff between the top-two first-
place vote getters, 210, 212, 213
Survivor (instant-runoff voting),
210 –11, 212–13
rational numbers, 74
Rayleigh-Jeans theory, 44–45
real numbers, 32, 172
real world
applying scientific theories to the, 
quest for models that satisfy different 
systems of axioms and, 26
Ref lections on the Resolution of Algebraic 
Equations (Lagrange), 90
regular polygons, construction of, 
71–72, 73, 74, 75–76, 95
relativity, theory of, 26, 49, 62
general relativity, 31, 32, 34, 41, 144, 
146, 149, 196
Hilbert and, 116
special relativity, 139, 140, 142, 189,
Rényi, Alfréd, 129–30
republic, voting in a, 227
Rhind papyrus, 83
Rhodes, Jodie, xi
Riemann hypothesis, 122, 238
ring theory, 122
Romney, Mitt, 218
Rosen, Nathan, 61, 62
rounding numbers, 227–28
Alabama paradox, 228–31
Hamilton method (method of largest
fractions), 228–33
Huntington-Hill method, 233
population paradox, 231–32

round-robin tournaments, 211
Royal Society, 187, 196
Rubik’s Cube, 129
Ruffini, Paolo, 89–90
Russell, Bertrand, 23

Saccheri, Girolamo, 103–5, 108
Saccheri quadrilateral, 104
Sagan, Carl, x, 173, 174, 175
St. Petersburg Academy, 110
Saint-Venant, Jean Claude, 74
Salam, Abdus, 36, 148
satellite dishes, parabolic ref lectors of, 
satisfiability problem, 164
Savio, Mario, 163
scheduling, 2–7, 8, 9, 158, 163
decreasing-times processing, 156–57
p r i o r i t y - l i s t , 4 –7, 1 57, 2 41
Schrödinger, Erwin, 53, 55
Schumacher, Heinrich Christian, 107,
110 –11
Scientific American, 54, 138
scientific method, 31
Newton’s formulation of, 143
Scully, Marlon, 54
Seaton, C. W., 229, 231
security systems, computerized, xvii
Seligman, George, x, 32–33, 105
Senate, U.S.
election of senators, 227
insincere voting and, 227
set of Lebesgue measure zero, 175
set theories, 24
short-order cooks, 7
shuff ling a deck of cards, 91–93, 98–99
sine, approximated by a polynomial, 82
skew lines, 103

Index 261 
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