Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

Main Idea Details

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Skim Section 3 of the chapter. Write two questions that come to
mind from reading the headings and illustration captions.



Use your book or dictionar y to define theory.

Write the correct vocabular y term in the left column for each
definition below.

information gained from observations

group in an experiment that is exposed to the factor being tested

direct method of gathering information in an orderly way

group in an experiment that is not exposed to the factor being
tested and is used for comparison

organized series of events in scientific inquiry

factor in an experiment that results from or depends on changes to
the independent variable

logo that alerts you about a specific danger during lab activities

factor that remains fixed during an experiment while the independent
and dependent variables change

tested factor in an experiment that might affect the outcome

testable explanation of a situation

investigation done in a controlled setting that tests a hypothesis

logical conclusion based on gathered information

occurrence of accidental or unexpected, but fortunate, results

theor y

The Study of Life

Section 1.3 Methods of Science



8 The Study of Life

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