Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

196 Protists

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Main Idea Details

Section 19.3 Algae—Plantlike Protists (continued)

Uses for Algae
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on page.

Life Cycle of
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Summarize the common uses for algae. Algae types may be used
more than once.

Common Uses Type of Algae

Used for filtering water supplies

Used to stabilize syrups

Used in the preparation of scientific gels

Used as abrasives

Used in salads

Used to thicken puddings and shampoos

Used to preserve canned meat and fish

Summarize the alternation of generations.

These spores are
that develop into new

The diploid form is called a

Certain cells in the sporophyte

From the zygote, the
form of the algae will develop.

The gametes join to form

The haploid form of the
algae, ,

Use the terms meiosis, fertilization, diploid, and haploid in a sentence
that demonstrates your understanding of alternation of generations in green algae.


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