Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

198 Protists

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Main Idea Details

Section 19.4 Funguslike Protists (continued)

Slime Molds
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Compare slime molds to fungi by completing the table below.

Similarities in Slime Molds and Fungi
Reproduce using:

Feed on:

Absorb nutrients through:

Contrast slime molds and fungi by completing the following sentence.
The cell walls of fungi are composed of , and cell walls
in slime molds contain.

Compare and contrast acellular and cellular slime molds by
using the following phrases to complete the Venn diagram.

  • move and surround food like

  • flagellated during part of life

  • most of life cycle spent as
    single, amoeba-like cells

    • form colonies when food is

    • mobile mass of cytoplasm
      with no separate cells

    • make spores to reproduce

Acellular Cellular
Slime Molds

Slime Molds
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