Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

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Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

238 Reproduction in Plants

and Life Cycle
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Reproduction and
Life Cycle
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on page.

Sequence the life cycle of ferns by numbering the following steps
in the order that they occur. The first and last steps have been done
for you.

(^1) A spore develops to form a prothallus.
If pieces of the rhizome break off, new fern plants can
develop from the pieces by vegetative reproduction.
If fertilization occurs, the resulting diploid zygote develops
into a sporophyte.
The prothallus dies and decomposes as the sporophyte matures.
The mature fern consists of rhizomes from which roots and
fronds grow.
Sperm released by antheridia swim to eggs in archegonia.
As soon as the sporophyte produces green fronds, it can carry
on photosynthesis and live on its own.
The prothallus produces archegonia and antheridia on its
(^9) The cycle continues when sporangia develop on the fronds,
and spores are released.
Compare female and male conifer cones in the table below. List
two facts about each type of cone.
Section 23.1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction (continued)
Create a graphic organizer to compare the reproductive
structure of mosses, ferns, and conifers.
Female Cones Male Cones

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