Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1
Section 28.2 Diversity of Today's Fishes (continued)

Analyze the effects of human activities on fishes.

Damming rivers in Pacific Northwest:

Polluting waterways:

Sequence the evolution of fishes by writing the letter of the following
features on the cladogram in the order in which they appeared.
a. jaws, bony skeleton, primitive lung
b. jaws, paired fins, bony plates covering body
c. jaws, placoid scales, cartilaginous skeleton

Fishes and Amphibians 293

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Evolution of
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Ecology of Fishes
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on page.

Describe ways in which humans can use water resources with
less impact on aquatic ecosystems. Identify how an individual could support this effort.


Main Idea Details

Jawless fishes Bony fishes

Hagfishes Lampreys OstracodermsPlacodermsChondrichthyesRay-finnedfishes Lobe-finned

Limbs used for
on land
Jaws, bony
swim bladder

Jawless, paired fins,
bony head shields
Jawless, no paired fins,
cartilaginous skeleton
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