Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The Immune System 379

white blood cells

The Immune System
Section 37.2 The Immune System

Skim Section 2 of the chapter. Identify the system responsible for
the body’s specific immunity.

Use your book or dictionar y to define white blood cells.

Write the correct vocabular y term in the left column for each
definition below.

lymphocyte that destroys pathogens and releases cytokines

long-living cell that is exposed to an antigen during the primary
immune response and will respond rapidly if the body encounters
the same pathogen later

protein produced by B lymphocytes that specifically reacts to a
foreign pathogen

deliberate exposure of the body to an antigen so that a primary
response and immune memory will develop

protein secreted by virus-infected cells that binds to neighboring
cells and stimulates these cells to produce antiviral proteins

protein that enhances phagocytosis by helping the phagocytic cells
bind better to pathogens, activating the phagocytes, and enhancing
the destruction of the pathogen’s membrane

lymphocyte that activates antibody secretion in B cells and another
type of T cell that aids in killing microorganisms

type of white blood cell that is produced in red bone marrow and
plays a role in specific immunity

antibody-producing cell that is present in all lymphatic tissues


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