Science Notebook - Student Edition

(Steven Felgate) #1

Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Cellular Structure and Function 71

Name Date

Main Idea Details

Section 7.3 Structures and Organelles (continued)

Cytoplasm and Cytoskeleton
on page I found this information.
SE, pp. 191–192RE, p. 75

Cell Structures
on page I found this information.
SE, pp. 193–199RE, pp. 75–

Compareboxes. the cytoplasm and cytoskeleton by defining each in the

semifluid material inside the Cytoplasm Cytoskeleton
organelles or plasma membrane in which cell processes take
place directly

supporting network of long, thin protein fibers forming a
framework for the cell and providing an anchor for

Identifydescribed. the part of the cell that corresponds to each function
nucleus directs cell processes; contains the cell’s DNA; stores information for cell growth,
nuclear envelope function, and reproduction
double membrane that surrounds the nucleus
ribosome helps manufacture proteins
nucleolus produces ribosomes inside the nucleus
endoplasmic reticulumsite of ribosome attachment; can be smooth or rough
Golgi apparatus modifies, sorts, and packages proteins for transport outside the cell
vacuole membrane-bound storage area within the cell
lysosome vesicle that contains substances that digest excess or worn-out organelles
centriole structure near the nucleus that functions during cell division
mitochondrion converts fuel particles (sugars) into useable energy
chloroplast captures light energy and converts it to chemical energy through photosynthesis
cell wall gives support to plant cells
cilia and flagella projections that allow the cell to move or to move substances along the surface of
the cell





SE,REp,pp.p^18.^87 – 31 –^9704

Model theplasmamemb



functionof thatpartin

Diaproteins,gramsandshould show and explain phospholipids,
phospholipids: polar phosphate hea

dsallow membranetointeract
with surface water; nonpolar tail

s are on insideof membr

ane and
makeit difficult for water-soluble

particles to move through the
transport proteins:regulate what is

allowed to enterand exit the
cell through the membr

cholesterol: keeps phospho

lipidsfluid, preventsthem

sticking together
receptors: transmit signals

totheinside ofcells

Discuss howthetermsfl

uid andmosaic describet


Fluid: It is fluid because the phospholipids, prot

eins, and

cholesterol float in the


Mosaic:It is a mosaic

because it has many parts.

The proteins

create patterns on the m

embrane’s surface.

Section 7.2 The Plasma Membrane


Main^ Idea


Analyze therole of thepla

smamembranein ma


homeostasis in thecell.
Accept all reasonable responses. As a select

ively permeable barrier between the

inside of the

cell and the outside environm

ent,the plasmamembrane controls the

amount ofsubstances

entering and leaving the cell and the tim

ing of substance flow.

Using Your Science Notebook vii
Writing Activities
help you understand the
information being presented
and make connections
between the concepts and
the real world.
Graphic Organizers provide
a visual format for
organizing the section’s
important information.

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