Ma Huang 235
to be dangerous. The two prime drug components of those natural products
are ephedrine andcaffeine, and caffeine boosts ephedrine effects. Scientific
study finds that ma huang with caffeine, but not ma huang alone, can improve
functioning in physical exercise. The combination of ma huang with another
medicinal herb called guarana may be particularly poisonous to dogs.
Cancer.Not enough scientific information to report.
Pregnancy.Ma huang is supposed to be avoided during pregnancy.
Additional scientific information may be found in:
Chen, K.K., and C.F. Schmidt. “Ephedrine and Related Substances.”Medicine9 (1930):
Grauds, C. “Herbal Ephedra and the Pharmacist.”Pharmacy Times64 (March 1998):
60, 62.
Jacobs, K.M., and K.A. Hirsch. “Psychiatric Complications of Ma-Huang.”Psychoso-
matics41 (2000): 58–62.
Mack, R.B. “ ‘All But Death, Can Be Adjusted.’ Ma Huang (Ephedrine) Adversities.”
North Carolina Medical Journal58 (1997): 68–70.
Powell, T., et al. “Ma-Huang Strikes Again: Ephedrine Nephrolithiasis.”American Jour-
nal of Kidney Diseases32 (1998): 153–59.
Sprague, J.E., A.D. Harrod, and A.L. Teconchuk. “Pharmacology and Abuse Potential
of Ephedrine.”Pharmacy Times64 (May 1998): 72–80.