The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

240 Marijuana

Golden, Golden Leaf, Gold Star, Gong, Gonj, Good Butt, Good Giggles, Goody-
Goody, Goofy Butt, Grass, Grasshopper, Grata, Green, Green Buds, Green God-
dess, Greeter, Gremmies (with cocaine), Greta, Griefo, Griefs, Grifa, Griff,
Griffa, Griffo, Gunga, Gungeon, Gungun, Gunja, Gyve, Haircut, Hanhich,
Happy Cigarette, Harsh, Has, Hash, Hawaiian, Hawaiian Black, Hawaiian
Homegrown Hay, Hay, Hemp, Herb, Herba, Hit, Hocus, Homegrown, Hooch,
Hooter, Hot Stick, Hydro, Illies (with PCP), Illing (with PCP), Indian Boy, Indian
Hay, Indian Hemp, Indo, Indonesian Bud, Instaga, Instagu, J, Jamaican Gold,
Jane, Jay, Jim Jones (with cocaine and PCP), Jive, Joint, Jolly Green, Joy Smoke,
Joy Stick, Juanita, Juan Valdez, Juice Joint (with crack cocaine), Juja, Ju-Ju,Jumbo
(with crack), Kalakit, Kali, Kansas Grass, Kate Bush, Kaya, Kee, Kentucky Blue,
Key, KGB (Killer Green Bud), Ki, Kick Stick, Kief, Kiff, Killer Weed (with PCP),
Kilter, Kind, King Bud, Kumba, Lace (with cocaine), Lakbay Diva, Laughing
Grass, Laughing Weed, Leaf, Leak (with PCP), Leno, Lid (quantity), Light Stuff,
Lima, Liprimo (with crack), Little Smoke, LL, Llesca, Loaf, Lobo, Loco, Loco-
weed, Log, Love Boat (with formaldehyde or heroin), Love Leaf (with PCP),
Lovelies (with PCP), Love Weed, Lubage, M, Machinery, Macon, Maconha,
Mafu, Magic Smoke, Manhattan Silver, Mari, Marimba, Mary, Mary and Johnny,
Mary Ann, Mary Jane, Mary Jonas, Mary Warner, Mary Weaver, Matchbox
(quantity), Maui Wauie, Maui-Wowie, Meg, Megg, Meggie, Messorole,Mexican
Brown, Mexican Green, Mexican Locoweed, Mexican Red, Mighty Mezz, M.J.,
M.O., Mo, Modams, Mohasky, Mohasty, Monte, Mooca, Moocah, Mooster,
Moota, Mooter, Mootie, Mootos, Mor A Grifa, Mota, Mother, Moto, M.U., Mu,
Muggie, Muggle, Muta, Mutah, Mutha, Nail, Nigra, Number, O.J., Oolies (with
crack), Ozone (marijuana alone or with PCP and crack), Pack, Pakalolo, Paki-
stani Black, Panama Cut, Panama Gold, Panama Red, Panatella, Parsley, Pasto,
Pat, P-Dogs (with crack), Pin, Pocket Rocket, Pod, Poke, Pot, Potlikker, Potten
Bush, Prescription, Pretendica, Pretendo, Primo (with crack), Queen Ann’s Lace,
Ragweed, Railroad Weed, Rainy Day Woman, Rangood, Rasta Weed, Red Bud,
Red Cross, Red Dirt, Reefer, Righteous Bush, Rip, Roach, Roacha, Rockets, Rom-
pums (with horse tranquilizer), Root, Rope, Rose Marie, Rough Stuff, Rubia, Salt
& Pepper, Sandwich Bag (quantity), Santa Marta, Sasfras, Scissors, Seeds, Sen,
Sess, Sezz, Shake, Siddi, Sinse, Skunk, Smoke, Smoke Canada, Snop, Speedboat
(mixed with crack cocaine and PCP), Spliff, Splim, Square Mackerel, Squirrel
(with crack and PCP), Stack, Stems, Stick, Stinkweed, Stoney Weed, Straw, Sugar
Weed, Super Grass (marijuana alone or with PCP), Super Pot, Sweet Lucy,
Swishers, T, Taima, Takkouri, Tea, Texas Pot, Texas Tea, Tex-Mex, Thai Sticks,
13, 38 (combination with crack cocaine), 3750 (with crack), Thumb, Toke,
Torch, Torpedo (with crack), Tray (quantity), Turbo (with crack), Tustin, Twist,
Twistum, Unotque, Vega, Viper’s Weed, Wac (with PCP), Wacky Weed, Wake
& Bake, Water (with other substances), Water-Water (with embalming fluid or
PCP), Weed, Weed Tea, Wet (with PCP), Whack (with insect poison), Whack-
atabacky, Wheat, White-Haired Lady, Wicky Stick (with crack and PCP), Wollie
(with crack), Woolah (with crack), Wooly (with crack or PCP), X, Yeh, Yellow
Submarine, Yen Pop, Yeola (with crack), Yerba, Yerba Mala (with PCP), Yerhia,
Yesca, Yesco, Zacatecas Purple, Zambi, Zay (with other substances), Zig Zag
Man, Zol, Zoom (with PCP)
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