The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

MDMA 259

Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E., et al. “Impaired Cognitive Performance in Drug Free Users
of Recreational Ecstasy (MDMA).”Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psy-
chiatry68 (2000): 719–25.
Greer, G., and R. Tolbert. “Subjective Reports of the Effects of MDMA in a Clinical
Setting.”Journal of Psychoactive Drugs18 (1986): 319–27.
McGuire, P. “Long Term Psychiatric and Cognitive Effects of MDMA Use.”Toxicology
Letters112–13 (2000): 153–56.
Rochester, J.A., and J.T. Kirchner. “Ecstasy (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine):
History, Neurochemistry, and Toxicology.”Journal of the American Board of Family
Practice12 (1999): 137–42.
Shulgin, A.T. “The Background and Chemistry of MDMA.”Journal of Psychoactive
Drugs18 (1986): 291–304.
Vollenweider, F.X., et al. “Psychological and Cardiovascular Effects and Short-term
Sequelae of MDMA (“Ecstasy”) in MDMA-Naive Healthy Volunteers.”Neuro-
psychopharmacology19 (1998): 241–51.

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