The Encyclopedia of ADDICTIVE DRUGS

(Greg DeLong) #1

344 Oxycodone

breathing, and momentary low blood pressure when a person stands up. One
study found the drug to impair breathing more than various other opiates do,
and in another study, doses of oxycodone had to be stopped lest the volun-
teers be harmed by further breathing difficulty. Normally the drug should be
avoided if a person suffers from pancreatitis, enlarged prostate, difficulty with
urination, or poorly functioning thyroid or adrenal glands. Experimenters
have demonstrated that the drug reduces physical and mental abilities needed
for driving automobiles.
Abuse factors.The drug’s potential for abuse is considered the same as
morphine’s, and oxycodone is a sought-after product among opiate abusers.
A study that reviewed medical records found no evidence of tolerance de-
veloping in a medical context. Regardless of whether people use the drug
medically or recreationally, dependence can develop, followed by withdrawal
symptoms if dosage stops suddenly. Withdrawal symptoms are described as
minor and can be avoided by gradually discontinuing the drug instead of
suddenly stopping it or by administering clonidine, a substance normally used
to control high blood pressure.
Drug interactions.People should use oxycodone cautiously if they are also
taking antihistamines, various antidepressants, or a monoamine oxidase in-
hibitor (MAOI, found in some antidepressants and other medicine). Combin-
ing those sorts of drugs with oxycodone can produce excessive effects. The
same is true ofalcohol. Oxycodone also seems to interact with cyclosporine,
a substance used to suppress an individual’s immune system (an effect useful
in preventing rejection of organs in transplant patients).
Cancer.Oxycodone’s potential for causing cancer is unknown.
Pregnancy.Oxycodone is believed to pose a small risk of causing birth de-
fects, but safety for administration during pregnancy has not been determined.
An examination of medical records found a slightly higher likelihood of birth
defects if pregnant women use oxycodone, but, unlike most drugs associated
with malformations, no particular type of birth defect appeared after using
oxycodone. That suggests the drug might not be responsible for the observed
Newborns may have dependence on the drug if their mothers have been
taking it during pregnancy. Enough of the drug can pass into a woman’s milk
to cause dependence in a breast-feeding infant.
Combination products.Tylox contains sodium metabisulfite, to which asth-
matics and other persons may have a serious allergic reaction, and should be
used cautiously if the user is sensitive to sulfites.
Additional scientific information may be found in:

Kalso, E., and A. Vainio. “Morphine and Oxycodone Hydrochloride in the Manage-
ment of Cancer Pain.”Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics47 (1990): 639–46.
Saarialho-Kere, U., M.J. Mattila, and T. Seppala. “Psychomotor, Respiratory and Neu-
roendocrinological Effects of a Mu-Opioid Receptor Agonist (Oxycodone) in
Healthy Volunteers.”Pharmacology and Toxicology65 (1989): 252–57.
Schick, B., et al. “Preliminary Analysis of First Trimester Exposure to Oxycodone and
Hydrocodone.”Reproductive Toxicology10 (1996): 162.
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