How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic (2006)

(vip2019) #1

Thatcher's blame 161

class of yuppies flaunted their new-found wealth. She was
deemed to be at fault in both cases.
The fallacy of Thatcher's blame' is committed when blame is
attached no matter what outcome ensues. The fallacy occurs
because the evidence is irrelevant when the determination of
guilt precedes the outcome of their actions. Indeed, the point
about 'Thatcher's blame' is that it covers all the conceivable
If a policy is introduced first in Scotland, ahead of its appli-
cation in England, the accusation is that the Scots are being used
as guinea-pigs, and put at risk simply to test it. On the other
hand, if the policy is introduced in England before being
extended to Scotland, the charge will be made that the Scots are
being left out yet again. Finally, if the policy is introduced at
exactly the same time in both countries, this will be taken as
evidence that the policy-makers are failing to appreciate the
essential differences between England and Scotland. Heads you
lose, tails you lose, and if the coin lands on its edge you also lose.
The fallacy works well in parliament because the official
opposition is supposed to oppose. 'Thatcher's blame' allows
them to be against whatever the government decides to do, no
matter what the outcome might be. Thus anything done quickly
is being 'rushed through recklessly', while measures which take
time are tagged with 'intolerable delays'.
The fallacy falsely pretends that a judgement is being made
based on the outcome, when that negative judgement would
have been applied to any outcome. It regularly appears in Brit-
ain's tabloid press, where once a celebrity has fallen from favour
any action they take is deemed to deserve condemnation. Since
the opprobrium comes anyway, it expresses no real judgement
on the morality or merits of the actions themselves.

I've been asked to a christening, but I'm sure they'll give the child some
outlandish name that will make it a laughing-stock. Either that or some
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