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for a body in shock is not prepared to digest food. Supplement at least with B
Vitamins and antioxidants and drink plenty of water. Take frequent long baths in
Epsom salts in order to provide the magnesium that will help turn on the relaxing
parasympathetic nervous system and loosen the contraction of the intestines
allowing proper peristalsis. (For more on this subject see Sepsis of the White Shock
in the Nitric Oxide section.)
Where kundalini comes in is that besides enlightened child rearing, it is the one
thing that can transform the older regions of the brain and bring the individual
bodymind and soul into a sense of being that is no longer fixated on defending the
illusion of self and in preventing its own death. This is so because the mask of the
conditioned self is slowly burned away in the fire of kundalini and a new species
is born. A species that is at peace with its own death, because it dies every second
into the fire of ecstasy. A species that is at peace with its awesome sensitivity and
vulnerability because it is no longer running from these, but opening to them to
discover our true power in “depth.”
Kundalini provides a disruption and penetration of consensus reality and its
repressive mechanisms. The chemistry of awakening with its vividness, bliss and
Grace provides us with the spiritual resources to feel into our deadness, shutdown
and resistance. In this way Presence incarnates and “fills in” our removal from
existence making us fully whole and here (healed). In order to develop the post-
conventional mind with which to investigate and use kundalini effectively, we have
to be actively transmuting via kundalini itself. Through Gnostic recognition of
the innate order of the Universe we overcome the disharmony, dysfunction and
entropy in the human condition.
The brightening of the human soul and the overhaul of the physical body,
frees us from the conditioning of the past and are thus able to develop a post-
conventional mind. To simply engage the full spectrum of the consciousness that
is available to live our genius. The bliss of Kundalini IS the Grace, but
then the “work” involves the will to let go of the past habitual self. The work is to
put love-juice-consciousness into blockages to transform them, but also through
faith to treat the blockages as if they were not even there. Communal love and
peer-friendship (teleiophilia) acts to stabilize higher states into structures. Higher
structures of consciousness are discovered only via a leap of faith into the dark with
no knowledge of where we might land.
Kundalini represents a quickening of metabolism, a dissolving of the past
morphogenetic habits of form and mind. The reason why it appears that kundalini
burns away karma is that oneself and ones world has become more changable,
more plastic, exceptional, original, real and unique. With “depth” one is simply not
a victim of circumstance, but a conscious cocreative participant in the mystery. The
expansion of consciousness that arises as the elixir quickens the blood, constitutes
a spiritual healing that redeems body, mind and soul. This redemption involves a
cleansing, healing and renewal, not only of the life of the individual, but also of
their ancestoral line and the residual imprint of ancestral karma that is embedded
within the individuals psychosomatic makeup.

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