
(nextflipdebug5) #1

  1. Depression: “It’s hopeless, why bother with anything?”

  2. Acceptaince: “I know that I will be in a better place.”

after the inner-child stops clinging and lets go into spacemind you pass
through the self-self membrane into the higher stages:

  1. Progressive Surrender: Falling into sync with the Muse and Kairos.

  2. Progressive Differentiation: Pulling away from the need for social affirmation.

  3. Progressive Solidification: Strengthening of identity with Spirit-in-action.

  4. Progressive Rewards: Increased bliss, Presence and self-assurance.

  5. Progressive Awe and Magic: Realization of goals, less obstructions in the way.

  6. Progressive Unity: Nottwo/Nondual realization continuous in daily life.

eXistential escaPism

Theorems of Nondualism, No-self and EST, propose the idea that the central
core self is just another limitation on freedom. However a more advanced way of
looking at it is not the negation of self, but the acknowledgement that the self is
plastic. Saying that the habitual self is “non existent” when all selves and organisms
consist of morphogenic habit is silly. But we can proceed if we acknowledge that
indeed new habits can be made along with a perpetually “new” self-concept. The
wisdom of no excuse lies not in the self doing a ostrich trick of poking its head
in the sand to hide from its own existence, but in realizing our limitations are
self-fabricated. By fully owning this self-fabricating, self-morphogenic process
we can construct a self-concept that is more adaptable and present to an ever
changing reality.
The no-self thought virus is part of the feudal extortion system of religions and
cults. Rather than emphasizing that we are a “vehicle” of spirit, they emphasize that
we are no-self and so can be enslaved to an external regime. Evolution is always
in the direction of autonomy not slavery and self-sacrifice is a control device of
exploitive power structures that rule by fiat. Compassionate distancing (witnessing)
allows a more pliable morphogenic range of thought, action and emotion. This
allows us the emotional stability to build up energy and “Self ” integrity...that is
to incarnate. Spiritual Eros both in-forms and informs our Being. The self can
thus tap into infinite resources through being infinitely pliable and expansive. The
self doesn’t disappear, it becomes more transparent, more plastic, less rigid and
because of this expansiveness it flows along seamlessly with happenstance with
less surface tension and less wasteful emotional friction. The answer to the Grail
question: “Who does the Grail serve?” is “Spirit!” The more we come to know this
question and its answer, the more enlightened we become.
I want to point out the obvious, which is often not so obvious within the
confusing multi-layered motivation of human relations. It is only through sovereign
realization that we can contribute our most transcendent genius for well-being of
the collective. Spirituality is the realization of the individual, not the sacrifice of
the individual to the mediocrity of the collective. It is not through neglecting
or avoiding our individuality that we connect with the All (God), but by fully
embodying and expressing our uniqueness. By default-unawares a sick mechanism

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