
(nextflipdebug5) #1

Be careful whom you tell about your condition, some can accept it openly
without fear, while others will be freaked out without any real reason to be, just
through shear ignorance. If you must mention your awakening experience to blind
conservatives, you could just simply describe it as a massive cosmic love affair or
something. People also get freaked out when you mention any “strenuous effort”
involved in your spiritual process; it is as though spiritual evolution was supposed
to be all light and easy going. Reality is often too much to bare for many still
programmed exclusively in the religious and economic myths.
With the Grail and the Amrita (Sang Raal) we are set free from our personal and
inherited past...but only if the personality is a willing participant in this liberation
from bondage. This willingness is reflected in the nature of Percival and Galahad
whom both achieved the Grail by divine right of their goodness. Crossing the
threshold from one state to another is an advent of Grace. Perhaps it is the very
nature of state change that there can be no real preparation between here and there.
That the “gift” is actually in the non-preparedness itself...the tacit experience of
polarity between the “was and the nothing.” Grace you could say is when we are
“born again” through a window of amplified spirit in which we are freed from the
weight of accumulated past. Grace is a sacred space of Being and the dropping of
our autistic sense of separation. The division between feeling, thought and action
keeps us floating in shallower realms unable to connect with our spiritual roots.
The “resting-neutral” state is the condition of receiving the ultimate power of
Self, in our ongoing understanding of the Solar Heart and Christ Consciousness.
We need to train our nervous system in the relaxation necessary to broach
thresholds with greater luminality through equanimity, ambiguity, openness, and
indeterminacy. The luminal state is a God intoxicated or One-inspired creative
trance—the Unitive experience. The unlimited creativity of nonlocalized mind.
Without this unitive connection to the primary mover Eros is thwarted on all
levels from atom to soul and the afflicted state of war and decay rules in the place
where wisdom, nobility and royalty should. If each part, each individual fails to
fall into sync with the prime mover of the Unified Field, then enlightened spiritual
community can arise and the Mystic Civilization bought about. The more we
make this process conscious, the less blowback need occur. Knowing that we are
all in this together and have a responsibility in the outcome makes incarnation a
whole lot easier.

Ultimately there are no obstacles anywhere, except in ourselves and everything is
meant for that perfection.” P.197, Mother, Satprem.

Fear of Life by Alexander Lowen, M.D. —Check out Michael Brown’s inspiring audio!

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