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rewiring are a reduction in neurosis and paranoia, less energy waste in muscular
holding, more efficient neuron firing, less divisiveness between the body, mind
and soul, less body pain, reduction in emotional repression/explosion, increased
sensation and pleasure, and greater sense of unity with environment.
People often make the mistake of thinking that kundalini offers worldly
power...not necessarily so. As a dissolution it more often leaves one helpless in
the worldly domain of consensus flatland, learning how to tread new ground in
an unreal world. Also people misunderstand in thinking kundalini is cleansing
and detoxifying. Yet more than this it is a dissolution allowing the potential for
regrowth or elevated growth, ie: death and rebirth. But the outcome is very reliant
on the mindset, circumstances and social environment of the kundalini active
individual. If the seed falls on rocky ground—well you know the story.
As to living up to the potential of rebirth, that depends on how well the
individual is able to penetrate the stickiness of samsara. With kundalini everything
becomes more in ones face, so it’s a matter of progressive truthfulness, becoming
progressively honest with ones world until the world changes around one,
circumstances change, and with greater truth and alignment there’s less division
between body, mind, soul and action. To eliminate negative interference patterns
we must become progressively truthful to align our actions with our highest values.
After the dissolution, training in mindfulness, transcendence, forgiveness and
authenticity are needed in order to substantiate higher spiritual gains in ones life.

Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More by
Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len. This book features the Hawaiian forgiveness
practice of Ho’oponopono. This karmic cleansing prayer is a simple process of
“letting go” of any “toxic energies” and the dysfunctional retaliatory nature of ego,
to allow a “new space” for the healing power of the Divine.

Spiritual evolution is the progressive assimilation of our
original Universal wild-divine nature.

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