
(nextflipdebug5) #1

NO is a major signal transduction molecule in vertebrates and serves as a
neurotransmitter in the CNS and the GI tract and maybe involved in memory
and learning. Unlike most other neurotransmitters that only transmit information
from a presynaptic to a postsynaptic neuron, the small nitric oxide molecule can
diffuse all over and can thereby act on several nearby neurons, even on those not
connected by a synapse. It is thought that this process maybe involved in memory
through the maintenance of long-term potentiation, or long-lasting strengthening
of the connection between two nerve cells. The physiological role of nNOS in
mechanisms such as long term potentiation has been shown to involve retrograde
transport (diffusion) of NO synthesized in post synaptic neurons across the synaptic
cleft into synapses, where it stimulated guanyl cyclase.
Guanylyl cyclase is the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of the messenger
cyclic GMP (cGMP) from GTP. It has been established that cGMP plays a role
in the relaxation of smooth muscle, the inhibition of platelet aggregation and
participates in signal transduction within the nervous system. Moreover, cGMP
is involved in the regulation of the water and electrolyte balance as well as in the
metabolism of the bone. cGMP is also involved in retinal phototransduction—
that is the conversion of a light signal received by a nerve receptor, to an electrical
signal transmitted to the brain. Since cGMP is activated by nitric oxide (NO) and
peptide hormones and concentrations of both these arise during an awakening,
this might help explain transcendental vision, that is the radical increase in
visual acuity and sensory perception in general. NO increase in cGMP in retinal
phototransduction might explain the light shining from the eyes of those who are
It is cGMP that signals the smooth muscles surrounding the arteries of the penis
to relax and allow more blood to flow into the penis. NOS neurons are prominent in
penile tissue, and the pelvic plexus, establishing that NO is the transmitter of these
nerves which regulate penile erection. It is interesting that Nitric Oxide fuels both
erections and possibly the Inner-conjunction (10,000 orgs) up the spine, because
Eastern traditions talk about men ejaculating up their spines. That is they turn the
ecstatic energy around so that NO ignites the central channel of the spine rather
than being lost in the ejaculation of sperm.
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a polypeptide hormone secreted by the
anterior pituitary gland that regulates tissue growth, cellular repair, energy levels,
fat loss, and muscle growth. Most of the substances that increase NO production
also increase HGH. Thus many aphrodisiacs, sexual performance enhancers and
HGH supplements will help sustain an awakening by preventing the depletion of
NO metabolism. Supporting both HGH and NO production keeps the nervous
system in a hyperactivated metamorphic condition.
NO in combo with glutamate makes for radical excitability in the nervous
system, for special extreme events like fight, flight, fuck, birth, death...and the
inner-conjunction (10,000 orgs up the spine). Perhaps the supercharged body
generates extra nitric oxide which permeates through to the central channel of
the spinal column creating the principle charge of the inner-conjunction itself.

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