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chemical, visual, auditory, electrical stimulation. It has been shown that substances
such as cocaine and alcohol have their own kindling effects which can contribute
to bipolar kindling.
As a result of many studies involving the kindling model, many researchers
now believe that kindling contributes to both rapid mood cycling and treatment-
resistant bipolar disorder. This kindling model also is consistent with cases where
cycling began with definite mood triggers, stressful or exciting events, and later
became spontaneous. Researchers concluded that there was a need for early and
aggressive treatment of bipolar disorder, to prevent the brain from becoming more
and more sensitized and going into rapid cycling or manic depression.
A seizure is a sudden involuntary alteration in perception or behavior caused
by an abnormal synchronized discharge of cortical neurons in the central nervous
system. epilepsy, on the other hand, refers to chronic recurrent seizures from a
primary underlying brain abnormality. Seizures can be attributed to a number
of causes including metabolic abnormalities, infections, nutritional deficiencies,
or trauma. Emotional stress and sleep deprivation also increase the frequency of
seizures, but most seizures occur due to unknown reasons. Seizures can be broadly
classified into two major categories: partial, involving onset from a discrete area of
the brain that may or may not secondarily generalize to the rest of the brain, and
primary generalized, involving simultaneous onset from both hemispheres.
What is really interesting is that pulsed repetitions of telepathic senders have
also been shown to increase the reception of telepathic messages. Thus the kindling
effect apparently applies to the paranormal channel as well as to more orthodox
transmission channels.

DisinHiBition oF inHiBition

The two primary regions of the brain that are involved in epilepsy are the
cerebral neocortex and the hippocampus. In the neocortex, excitatory synapses are
made primarily on the dendritic spines and shaft. The release of neurotransmitters
at these sites gives rise to excitatory postsynaptic potentials. The inhibitory synapses
are more prominent on the soma or proximal dendrites, and give rise to inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials. Abnormal neuronal excitation is thought to occur as a
result of disruption of the depolarization and repolarization mechanisms of the
cell. Aberrant neuronal networks develop abnormal synchronization resulting in
the propagation of an epileptic seizure.
The primary excitatory neurotransmitters in the central nervous system are the
amino acids glutamate and aspartate. The primary inhibitory neurotransmitters
in the central nervous system are gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine.
Excitatory neurotransmitters usually act by opening Na+ or Ca2+ channels,
whereas inhibitory neurotransmitters usually open K+ or Cl- channels. Glial are
mainly responsible for K+ reuptake.
It seems that one of the mechanisms of kundalini maybe the overstimulation
of the neuro-inhibitory glycine and GABA receptors in the spine and brainstem,
during the hyper-activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This dis-inhibition

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