
(nextflipdebug5) #1

to prevent the spiking of blood sugar to conserve the integrity of protein structures
and prevent glycation, so you can convey a deeper more focused consciousness.
This is achieved by ensuring that our carbohydrate quotient consists of low
glycemic, non-starchy, high fiber to prevent blood sugar spiking. I also find that
raw carbohydrates are much easier on the body and on de-fogging and lucidity
than all forms of cooked carbohydrate. Reduce the blood sugar and kundalini doesn’t
spark up to an all-consuming flame.
During a kundalini awakening the body is in a mode of hyper-energy generation.
The cells are producing more energy (via hyperactivated mitochondria)...what
energy is not converted to ATP is given off as heat. This extra cellular energy
in the nerves causes certain glutamate receptors (NMDA) to be hyperactive
increasing the action potential and release of neurotransmitters in the synapses.
Thus the sympathetic nervous system is in hyperdrive, and the off switch receptors
(parasympathetic, glycine, GABA) are over stimulated hence cannot perform their
normal inhibitory functions.
The heat of kundalini itself further exacerbates the excitation of the nerves by
facilitating ion movement and increasing neurotransmitter release. Researchers
from St Louis School of Medicine have discovered that ‘cooling’ the neurons
responsible for focal epileptic seizures can stop the seizure from ever happening
without doing any harm to the brain cells. Cold seemed to prevent the nerve cells
firing probably through interfering with the movement of ions in the cells and
preventing the release of neurotransmitters.
As the kundi-fired body is in a HPA axis activated state, the liver generates
and releases more glycogen to fuel this fire. Cell apoptosis (cell death) occurs
through excess free radicals and high glutamate and Ca2+ levels and body tissues
are catabolically dismantled and turned into glycogen. The hyperactivity of
the limbic brain turns on the pleasure centers generating copious endogenous
opiates and cannaboids...and these increase compulsivity so that the individual
is attracted to eating carbohydrates (sugar) to fuel the increased energy demand.
The body is asking for more energy, and this can be achieved by drinking water
(ie: hydroelectric energy).
Giving in to sugar cravings while in kundalini will cause blood sugar spiking
that can severely damage tissues and turn the body toward insulin resistance
and down-regulate other receptors as well. Even as a rawfoodist you can still
have a sugar addiction by eating too much fruit and not balancing your sugar
intake with greens. Blood sugar spiking is a major factor in inflammation, aging,
neurodegeneration and disease in general. To get over the sugar craving we need to
raise our energy through breath, exercise, nature, touch and positive inspirational
community...all those things that would naturally stop a child from seeking solace
in sugar. Once the body is built up with greens (kale, parsley, spinach, spirulina,
wheatgrass) and the social and muse fronts are active and satisfying, then the sugar
craving is overcome. The ego thing is tied into the sugar thing.
Besides the reduction of excess glutamate and Ca2+ release, perhaps another
reason why the ketogenic diet works could be the actual physical blocking of insulin

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