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from with our addictions or small-nature. However by drawing the energy up,
maintaining a seat in the mind’s eye and deep breathing one can essentially ride
the dragon, (like riding the spice worms in Dune). Meditation while already blissed
out with active kundalini is the most effective period for growth. There is a chance
of regression, brain damage and resorting to addictions and distractions if we do
not “proactively cultivate” the Force. (The Mind’s Eye is a current of Presence, like
the mindful “pilot seat” of the brain, between the Third Eye and the brainstem,
which allows a detached witnessing.)

WitHDraWal sYmPtoms

Neuroadaptation is the principle element of physical addiction and drug
tolerance. When the brain is frequently exposed to a drug it adapts to compensate
for the presence of the drug; so that if the drug is stopped, it leaves the brain
‘overcompensating’ and in disequilibrium in an unaccustomed way. Whatever
pain or anxiety condition the drug was masking returns with a vengeance in a
“rebound” experience. During kundalini ecstatic peak events and stages our
brain would become neuroadapted to excessive levels of “up” chemicals, so that
when that cycle is over and chemistry flips the other way we can go through an
extreme withdrawal. Hence both the Dark Night experience and the exhaustion
phase are often accompanied by withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, depression,
memory problems, lack of motivation, and feelings of emptiness. Because of both
neuroadaptation and neuron damage kundalini awakenings can be just as much a
downer trip as a high, especially to the uninformed.
Nathan Luno has an amazing website on the use of the drug Ecstasy; especially
check out his neurotoxicity section. Kundalini researches might be interested
in this as an information source. Specifically in the area of how like Ecstasy,
kundalini might create excess dopamine release that could damage serotonin
receptors in the brain. Kundalini is likely to increase the release of transmitters
from synapses because of the increased charge in nerves, increased Ca2+, NO
and ATP, heightened adrenaline and norepinephrine. The enzyme monoamine
oxidase (MAO) breaks down the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin
and dopamine in the brain. MAO’s occur in high concentrations in the blood,
liver, stomach, brain and intestines. During Kundalini or Ecstasy use however
the brain maybe so loaded with neurotransmitters that the available MAO maybe
insufficient to deal effectively with them. So during the extreme ecstasy (up) and
dark night (down) events there is likely to be dopamine damage to the serotonin
receptors, similar to that which occurs on the drug Ecstasy. “The dopamine, once in
the serotonin cell, gets broken down by the monoamine oxidase into hydrogen peroxide
which oxidizes a healthy cell into a deformed and no longer fully functioning one.”

KUnDalini anD tHe mUncHies

Kundalini can stimulate compulsivity, until we reach the point where we can
dive into the bliss and Emptiness without resistance. It’s like the blissed brain is
seeking to drown itself in more and more bliss. This is a point in all this where we

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