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of environment or spiritual practice that instigates new brain development will
bring on an awakening. Since kundalini is the “flow” of energy/consciousness—
areas that promote flow will facilitate an awakening, such as higher altitude,
mountain high ion air, certain geography that conveys earth currents better. I was
pulled to Colorado because I could not pop at sea level, in a polluted California
city. The summer of 2000 in Boulder was a particularly electrical one with a lot of
dry thunderstorms. In order to initiate a full awakening I needed that electrically
charged air. Of course I was not aware of this at the time. Like a great attractor the
awakening of Self itself pulls you toward it both in time and geography.
Also areas with powerful tree growth such as the redwoods of Big Sur or virgin
forests. Definitely the moon cycle is involved hence gravitation plays a big part.
Also the solar cycle, solar flares and the solar 8 day sector changes affects biological
and alchemical processes. The biofields of certain human populations would be
more or less conducive to promoting awakenings depending on how gross or
subtle the noosphere of the culture we inhabit.
One needs to have a certain genetic and cellular strength in order for kundalini
to spark up, for it will not ignite in a body that will be greatly damaged by its
arousal. Kundalini is apt to rise when we increase our vital energy and are relatively
block-free, as in eating a raw diet, doing yoga and getting plenty of exercise. Often
there needs to be self-initiatory psychological conditions such as devotion, excessive
generosity, crisis, Shaktipat from a Guru, or the meeting a great love in order to set
off the chemistry to a high degree of intensity.
shaktipat literally means descent of grace. It is yogic initiation in which
the Siddha Guru transmits spiritual energy to the aspirant, thereby awakening
the aspirant’s dormant kundalini shakti. Mae-Wan Ho suggests that all life is
connected by nonlocal field interpenetration of quantum wave functions. Shaktipat
is an example of this effect; while more pronounced when organisms are in each
others presence, it also operates globally and seems to have strange temporal effects
also. The interpenetration of spiritual energy occurs through quantum waves,
electromagnetic waves, scalar waves, light waves, acoustic waves and through the
superconduction of consciousness...that is the sympathetic resonance of oscillating
systems. To a certain extent we are all shaktipatting each other all the time...we
live in a world-field of shaktipat.
The impact of shaktipat, or the contagion of spirit between individuals, is
endlessly interesting to both consider and experience. The dramatic psycho-somatic
effects cannot be predicted but can be understood in hindsight. The book Spiritual
Cannibalism by Rudi is a good account of the potential of spiritual relationship.
I have come to the conclusion that skatipat is only spiritually moral within an
ongoing bonded teacher-pupil relationship, where the teacher takes responsibility
for the consequences of his/her actions
Kundalini is not about people enjoying each other or themselves, it’s about
waking up—which most often is a very painful process. Like secondhand smoke,
secondhand kundalini can be very disturbing for people. If their chemistry is off
or heart closed, they are going to feel uncomfortable around an individual with

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