
(nextflipdebug5) #1

not change biochemically as a result of changes in the systemic circulation. These
barriers are at the level of the endothelium of brain capillaries, at the level of the
epithelium of the choroid plexuses and the outer layers of arachnoid matter. These
barriers protect the brain and the subarachnoid spaces from damaging influences
outside the brain. Along with the other circumventicular organs the pineal lies
outside of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).
The pineal gland is located above a crucial byway for CSF. The pineal gland
can influence the rest of the brain via circulation of CSF. It is close proximity to
the limbic and sensory centers of the brain. In the fetus the pineal gland develops
from specialized tissue in the roof of the mouth and migrates to the center of the
brain. This is perhaps so because both the pineal gland and the intestinal tract
produce serotonin. Blood vessels surrounding the pineal gland transfer melatonin
to the rest of the body, but it is circulated directly in the brain via CSF. CSF serves
as a route for the conduction of neuroactive peptides and hormones and may serve
as a reservoir of neuroactive substances that can be transported outward by glial
tanycytes. These are specialized ependymal cells with long basal processes, rich in
mitochondria which serve a transporter role in the brain.
Glial cells form a layer around brain blood vessels, however they do not
contribute to the BBB, rather they maybe important for the transport of ions from
the brain to the blood. The Blood Brain Barrier has many fascinating physiological
components and one of the most interesting is that there is an estimated 5-6
times more mitochondria in BBB endothelial cells compared to muscle tissue. This
increase in mitochondria and consequent increase in energy potential, is thought
to be required for active transport of nutrients from the blood to the brain. (See
Superfluidity for more on the CSF connection to kundalini)

tHe Grail

If you watch John Boorman’s Excalabur, 1981 you will see the wording around
the grail legend to be a perfect description of the inner alchemy. The King and the
Land are One—if the Grail is found one recovers their soul by which the land and
society are made whole (healthy). “I didn’t know how empty I was until I became
full.” And whom does the Grail serve? It serves the Universal King of Soul, but not
the Wounded King of ego. One could call Amrita the Elixir of Soul and the crystal
palace in which it is formed is the sacred chalice itself. Dionysus, the Greek God
of wine and revelry is associated with the wine cup or chalice—this is a material
version of the metaphysical meaning: for the contents of the Grail is The Elixir of
the Gods, “Amrita,” the Essence of is the key to our enlightenment or our
“already full state.” It raises us to the spiritual level which is generous, regenerative,
radiant gratitude. NO longer searching, we don’t need anything because we are
already full.
The expanded heart, endorphins (Amrita) and revelatory chemicals
(tryptamines) allow the individual to stop the sense of clinging, searching, needing
and hollowness...but a person in enlightenment chemistry still has goals and
desires, they might even be “driven,” and yet they are simultaneously in satiation
and wholeness. This background bliss allows the individual freedom from craving

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