
(nextflipdebug5) #1

The preparation of A. acida from which the intoxicating milky juice is squeezed,
is a very old, sacred ceremony. Soma was said to be a medicine which gives health,
long life and removes death. In Hindu mythology, the Indian Bacchus Soma is a
regular name for the moon, which is regarded as being drunk by the gods and so
wanes, until filled up again by the Sun.

liVinG Water anD PrecoGnitiVe cHemistrY

Note that in the movie Minority Report the precogs “live” in a pool of water
with brain chemicals in it for amplifying precognition. Precognitive and revelatory
chemistry can really blow-out ones brain. I found that taking plenty of baths
during periods of hyper-noetic revelatory conditions is essential, perhaps due to
extra water absorbed by the body to help process the radical chemistry of these
altered states. Or the bath might serve other normative regulatory functions as
well such as increasing parasympathetic rest and recovery; and the release of “water
holding for emergency.” Anyway the insight the makers of Minority Report had to
put those precogs in neuroactive water was a stroke of genius.
Baths are essential both for generating revelatory chemistry and for metabolizing
and integrating this extreme chemistry as well. The effectiveness of baths is partly
due to the increased levels of water in the blood through absorption by the
skin. Partly due to the antigravity, floating effects reducing “metabolic work” of
merely existing in the body, conserving energy for the acute coherency needed for
revelation. Also the body can relax into a theta state which produces serotonin...
and this allows greater communication between the stomach brain and head brain,
between the two hemispheres of the brain, and also amplifies communication
within the hierarchical strata between the brainstem, limbic brain and neocortex.
Thus we see that it is complete relaxation that promotes greater coherency and
synchronization of consciousness between body, mind and spirit, which allows us
to delve into deeper visionary states and the deeper layers of human experience.
Channeling involves tapping into our own latent potentials for knowledge
and genius. One “gets out of the way of oneself ” not through declaring the Muse
to be an alien from another planet, but by honoring oneself as a vehicle for that
which transcends us. When we get into very high-energy states, information
seems to come together in ways that we only had fleeting glimpses of before.
These revelatory states have specific chemistry...tryptamines, DMT, and opioids
which put the brain into conditions where time is penetrated and doubt removed.
Remote viewing occurs in this way through the chemistry of coherency, as does
prophesy, artistic vision, divination of music, the high art of philosophy, invention,
telepathy and even navigation for sexual and creative relationship.
“In the Jungian reading of the alchemical tradition, the philosopher’s stone is
understood as the “water” from which all comes and in which all is contained. Solutio
is to turn a solid into a liquid, back to the prima material. Solve et cogula—to dissolve
the current limited sense of oneself and re-form it with an expanded sense of self—is the
purpose of meditation in what is called an alchemical retreat process: dissolving allows
the death of unwanted aspects of the ego and is followed by regeneration.” 81, The
Divining Heart, Patricia C. and Richard D. Wright

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