
(nextflipdebug5) #1

In my experience the initial spark up the spine can occur out of the blue.
Kundalini can occur even quite late in life, but usually in someone who is already
psychically sensitive and mystically aware. Mine occurred in association with stress
and stress relief...longing and fulfillment. But we have to be on our edge, they don’t
occur in dull, satiated and ordinary periods of one’s life. My first awakening arose
through stress, overt-generosity and biological precognition of my fathers eminent
death...the second through my love for Mr. Universal and the muses insistence
that I write a book on metamorphosis. Though no matter what the trigger, the
awakening of kundalini seems as inevitable and natural as breathing. It’s as though
an inexpressible question in us, an ineffable drive has been answered. The restless
search ends as we surrender to the maker and come home to our Self.
Since kundalini awakening is most often just something that happens, we don’t
have a whole lot of say over how “mature” we are when it strikes. However by its
very extreme nature, kundalini will force greater maturity and lucid adjustment to
reality in order to survive. Along with the sense of danger inherent in the dissolving
of ones known self, there is also a buoyant faith that arises from being so lit with
Spirit and at one with the Universe.
Kundalini arousal and the ongoing development of the nervous system make us
more sensitive to the inner and outer worlds. The self-directed force of kundalini
purifies accumulated stress caused by our past habits and traumas. Friction and
difficulty during awakening occur not so much from the process itself but from
our conscious and unconscious interference with it due to not understanding what
is going on.
Kundalini burns off much of the primary reactivity imprinted from our family
of origin and early life experience. With kundalini the opportunity for change is
increased because our neurological slate is wiped relatively clean, but it depends on
our will, faith and environment as to how far we can grow. If we do not change our
habits to reflect the Self ’s true interests, we will continue to rebuild the conditioned
reactive self we thought ourselves to be. We spend our entire lives thinking we are
an entity that was created by our parents and culture...but are we really that entity?
I mean they don’t even know us, they only know their projections of us. The Grail
of course is the true Self that is beyond all such imposition.
Kundalini is the consciousness in matter becoming more conscious of itself;
therefore if one wants to evolve such an awakening is necessary. Or rather evolution
and awakening simply “are” and we surrender to this reality or fight it. Sometimes
we have a rocky time of it, because awakening is always moving through uncharted
territory and because we exist in a civilization still based on fibs, repression and
inertia. If we didn’t get so contracted and arrested while forming...then the
kundalini would go through its cycles without fireworks, because there would be
fewer boulders in the flow to create friction and damming of energy. Detoxifying
is always the first thing to aim for in any spiritual endeavor and it is especially
important “prior” to kundalini awakening. In fact because it is so detoxifying,
switching to a raw diet will probably lead to a kundalini awakening if other things
are also in place.

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