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tend to reduce it to being no more relevant than information received during
normal waking consciousness. The reason being that we cannot often act on our
psychic level information in a social world that is habituated to the lower levels of
connectivity and communication. Thus unless you actually live around peers that
are equally psychically alive, chances are you will have to keep your psychic life
under wraps. Thus until we all approach a similar level of consciousness there will
be a disconnect between worlds—due to this schism in states of consciousness.
Someone with active kundalini is more elemental and “archetypal, however the
reduction in adaptive cognition can be so great that one can’t drive a car in an urban
environment. There are periods when the cerebrocortex is greatly incapacitated
while the limbic and autonomic brains are hyper-activated. As the repressive
mechanism of the ego is reduced during the initial stages of awakening there is a
purging the primitive emotions of shame, guilt, fear, panic, paranoia, depression
and self-pity. In a hostile social environment these emotions could be catastrophic,
essentially completely paralyzing effective function and aging the individual into
an acute illness of bodymind. If this emotional cathartic development is suspended
and not able to run its course we could end up in the funny farm.

“Katz (1973) writes of the !Kung people of the Kalahari Desert in Northwest
Botswana, Africa, who dance for many hours to “heat” up the n/um so that the !kia
state can be attained. He notes that the n/um is analogous to the kundalini state. !Kai
is the state of transcendence. It is more than a peak experience of going beyond the
ordinary self; !kia is like Satori, participation in eternity. Education for transcendence
teaches the adept the way to stir up the n/um and how the threshold of fear can be
crossed into the !kia state. The n/um is said to reside in the pit of the stomach. As it
warms up, it rises from the base of the spine to the skull where then !kia occurs...!kia
is painful, fearful, and unpredictable each time it occurs.” Lee Sannella, M.D.,
Kundalini: Psychosis or Transcendence, p14-15

Conditions that contribute to this kind of communal kundalini raising include
fasting, music, drumming and a fire. Such a rite is probably conducted around
full or new moon also. Like the Sundance of the American Indians where they
dance and chant for extended periods. The Kung use the energy in a holy way to
tap psychic information and precognition to enhance the welfare of the tribe. But
kundalini energy can also be used in a more prepersonal Bacchian sense as well,
for example Dionysian rites were first mostly undertaken by women then at some
point in history the men also joined in. The women collectively gave themselves
over to kundalini trance, dancing, feasting and revelry under the moon. Similarly
a group of people can have an orgy and the energy can be somewhat evolutionary
wasted, or they can have a joint tantric ceremony that could greatly increase the
evolution of the group and community.
Why the increased numbers of people experiencing awakening? More people
pop as more people pop. As survival pressures rise, the increased stress chemistry
plays into creating the type of instability in which kundalini energy can ignite. Also
contributing to igniting the flame is our declining metabolic strength and inferior
“processed” diet, coupled with ever refining nervous systems as we encounter more

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