
(nextflipdebug5) #1


Voice Dialogue is a non-judgmental communication process between these
various selves—the more dominant (Primary Selves) and some parts less so
(Disowned Selves), with the Aware Ego as a conscious moderator engaging our
various selves. Through this process we distinguish between the “Self ” and our
“sub-personalities,” and build up the viewpoint of the Witness. In this way we are
now free to have our various subpersonalities, while not getting lost in them any
longer. Voice Dialogue draws on a vast information and skill base including dream
work, Jungian archetypes and symbolism, enneagram, myth, gestalt, bodymind
and energy work. This methodology can be beneficially applied to relationships
in the family, community, work place and even in international politics—and
especially to our relationship with our Self. A book that presents a good overview
of the work is: Embracing Our Selves: The Voice Dialogue Manual by Hal and
Sidra Stone. —Hal & Sidra Stone —Judith Tamar Stone
Big Mind - Big Heart: Finding Your Way by Dennis Genpo Merzel


“A totality of response to any situation is unusual in our culture. We are all in
too much conflict to surrender fully to any feeling.” P.245 Alexander Lowen,
Bioenergetics, a form of bodymind therapy developed by Wilhelm Reich
and Alexander Lowen is another method of approaching the body armor and
consequently releasing toxic repression. One would assume that if we are directly
touching and expressing the tension held in our body armor that neurological
changes reflecting this release must occur within the brain. Thus I assume that
if we lovingly address our muscular armor, our brain will recover from toxic
repression, and there is no better time to do this than when our nervous system
is already perturbed, and our connective tissue already dissolving during active
kundalini. By adopting these “unlocking” practices while kundi-active we help
to facilitate rewiring and we are less likely to snap back to our old repressive
cocoon once with awakening is over. This point is vitally important for anyone
going through kundalini, and is the reason why yoga is an integral part of Eastern
spiritual practice. Flexibility and fluidity are essential to living organisms. Aging
and disease are symptomatic of life losing its plasticity. Good heart rate variability
is a sign of a youthful heart and the saintly maverick Osho reminded us that we are
as young as our spine is flexible.
Wilhelm Reich says that few of us experience a full sexual response in orgasm.
This is partly due to the devitalizing, neuro-clogging cooked diet, but also due to
the general devitalizing process of generations of Western Living. A full orgastic
release implies that one is in full possession of oneself first. That is in order to fully
“lose” yourself in orgasm you must first be fully embodied as a sovereign spiritual
entity—mind, body and soul. But if we have been conditioned into repressing
the best and the worst in us to fit into our cultural program, there is no way that
we are either going to be fully ensouled, fully sexed or even in touch with our

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