
(nextflipdebug5) #1

“off ” chemistry to normal faster than toning, probably due to increased oxygen,
plus the extra movement of CSF and increased glandular and ionic influence on
this fluid that baths the central nervous system. Coupled with the sound vibration
entraining brain syncopation between the hemispheres and various regions of the
Garwin Redman says that the more the heart is put into the toning the better
the results, thus “Intention” while toning magnifies its effect. It’s putting the
heart into the sound that really wipes the slate clean, although sometimes it’s hard
to put the heart into it, or stay conscious while toning depending on how off
(discordant) we are when we do it. Persistence will bear fruit because toning is
one of the fastest ways of recovering deep alignment. Toning is also a significant
way to stabilize our courage and heart opening and overcome the magnetism of
Thanatos and addiction. One can just imagine that the sound vibration is acting to
clear metabolic detritus out of the synapses, increasing syncopation of neurons and
tuning the brain to optimum functioning. Toning allows the brain to “let go” and
the heart to entrain the brain in its frequency. (See Vibrational Universe p.290)
Lack of inner division creates the Nectar of Grace as a consequent of sympathetic
resonance of syncopated nerve activity. When the brain is “undivided” it no longer
goes through its cycles of neurotoxic build up, one is thus able to transcend ones
reptilian reactivity to society and the world is made sweet around one. Any real
transformation or evolution is a leap in the dark. On Whole-Seeing, the unified
mind can see things whole and we no longer fear the Unknown. According to Hans
Jenny toning the vowel sounds of ancient languages such as Hebrew, Sanskrit,
Egyptian, Tibetan and Chinese may have a greater effect. It’s not the words, but
the intent, vibration, coherence or degree of sympathetic resonance created in the
body via the use of sounds.

soUnD tecHnoloGY

Because of the power of brainwave technology to change brainwave frequency,
increase synchronization and decrease hemispheric lateralization, there is great
potential with sound to facilitate stabilization during an awakening and bring
about a more speedy and enduring higher homeostasis. With such binaural beat
sound programs as Holosync, Brainsync and Hemi-sync we might be able to bring
about even greater benefits than a radical kundalini crisis, without the “crisis.”
With such sound technology new neural pathways are developed which facilitate
the “awakened mind state.” That is similar degrees of Beta, Alpha, Theta and
Delta occurring simultaneously and in relative balance between the left and right
We produce less of the hormone precursor DHEA as we age, and DHEA acts as
a buffer against stress-related hormones such as cortisol. Research at Centerpointe
Holosync found that their binaural brain wave technology reduces cortisol, while
increasing both DHEA and melatonin. As the brain waves slow to delta, alpha
and theta the hemispheres synchronize and the brain balances, resulting in whole-
brain functioning. Whole-brain functioning is associated with increased creativity,

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