
(nextflipdebug5) #1


“The biophysicist Fritz Popp has pointed to the conditions which must be fulfilled
such that all these complex processes occur in a controlled way. There must be an
intimate coupling of cell-to-cell-communication, which, according to his calculations,
can only be possible when the key control processes occur at the speed of light. Any
other means of “information” transmission, including biomolecules, chemical
messengers, and so forth, would not be sufficient. They would be too slow to guarantee
the integrity of the organism.” Wolfgang Lillge, M.D., Vernadsky’s Method:
Biophysics And the Life Process

During certain phases of metamorphosis the entire skin of the body radiates,
it seems to shine with an inner light. Some of the causes of light emerging from
the skin of those illuminated with kundalini is the UV from extra cell division,
microwaves from tissue under stress, more electrons transmitted through proteins
resulting in photon emission and an increase in scalar waves due to the higher
morphogenic field/EMF.
Directly following an Inner-conjunction the body looks like it has been fried
or electrocuted; probably due to the fact that NO is a free radical gas. The body
is so electrically charged that one’s hair sticks out. Plus the irises of the eyes are
lit from within by an internal light. It might be due to extra cGMP from the
radical NO metabolism of the inner-conjunction, for cGMP is involved in retinal
phototransduction. This is perhaps due to free electrons or photons generated
within super-charged proteins (*see quote by Stuart Hameroff ). This heightened
flow of electrons through the interiors of protein molecules could be the source
behind the luminous glow (aura, halo, aureola) of spiritually lit individuals. When
kundalini and bliss is up, there will always be an associated glow to the skin.
“According to the biophoton theory, biophoton light is stored in the cells of the
organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei - and a dynamic web
of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell organelles, cells,
tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organism’s main communication
network and as the principal regulating instance for all life processes.” Marco Bischof,
Biophotons: The Light In Our Cells,
The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field are
closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate
its possible role as an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and
consciousness. “The enlightened one inhering in the Heart, sees the light of the mind
merged in the light of the Heart, like the light of the moon in the daylight.” Ramana
Maharshi. Ramana says...enlightenment is the merging of the light of the heart
and brain...this is when the protein molecules are lit with energy, ie: with electrons
being conveyed through the central channel of the protein...the whole body
thus becomes a radiant quantum sun. Hence the shine of people in the height
of metamorphosis...the hyper-merger of the heart-brain, stomach-brain and the
head-brain is just symptomatic of the whole bodymind going into this synergistic,
amplified communication, superconductivity, bliss buzz we call enlightenment.

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